CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences. Courses and lectures ;
Volume Designation
volume 595
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references.
Text of Note
Intro; Preface; Contents; 1 Internal Waves and Tides in Stars and Giant Planets; Introduction to Internal Waves; Plane Inertial Waves; Plane Internal Gravity Waves; Properties of Internal Waves; Internal Wave Beams; Reflections and Singularities; Inertial Waves in a Sphere; Instabilities of Internal Waves; Forced Internal Waves; Interiors of Stars and Giant Planets; Interior Models; Waves and Instabilities in a Stratified, Rotating Body; Approaches to Internal Waves in Stars and Giant Planets; Tidal Interaction of Two Bodies; Introduction; Gravitational Interaction of Particulate Systems
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ConvectionShear Instability; Summary of Breaking Instabilities; Triad Resonant Instability; Modulational Stability and Instability; Future Directions; References; 4 Rotational Dynamics of Planetary Cores: Instabilities Driven By Precession, Libration and Tides; Introduction: From Planetary Magnetic Fields to Core Turbulence; Tidal Forcings in Planetary Cores: The Primary Response to Tides; The Shape of a Planet Undergoing Tidal Distortion; Flow Driven By Differential Spin and Orbit; Perturbation of the Rotation Rate: Libration; Perturbations of the Rotation Axis: Precession
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Convective-Radiative Interfaces: Convective OvershootConvective Penetration Length; Parameterizations of Convective Overshoot; Measuring the Turbulent Diffusivity; Physical Mechanism of Convective Overshoot; Convective-Radiative Interfaces: Internal Gravity Wave Generation; IGW Transport and Damping; Spectrum of IGWs Excited by Convection; Dynamical Influence of IGW; Conclusion; References; 3 Internal Waves in the Atmosphere and Ocean: Instability Mechanisms; Overview; Dispersion and Polarization Relations; Boussinesq Internal Waves; Anelastic Internal Waves; Breaking Conditions; Overturning
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Gravitational Interaction of Fluid BodiesIncompressible Fluid Ellipsoids; Internal Waves and Astrophysical Tides; Equilibrium and Dynamical Tides; Tidal Dissipation via Inertial Waves; Tidal Dissipation via Internal Gravity Waves; Future Perspectives; References; 2 Waves and Convection in Stellar Astrophysics; Stellar Structure and Evolution; Lane-Emden Equation; Stellar Energy Transport; Stellar Evolution Equations; Modeling Stellar Convection; Sound and Internal Gravity Waves in Stars; Uniform Background; Isothermal Background; General Background; Helioseismology
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Instabilities Driven By Mechanical Forcings: From Parametric Resonance to TurbulenceParametric Sub-harmonic Resonance of a Pendulum; Oscillators in Planetary Cores: Inertial Waves; Parametric Excitation: The Case of Tidally-Driven Instabilities; Quantifying the Growth Rate: A Global Approach; Quantifying the Growth Rate: Short Wavelength Approximation; The Elliptical Instability in Planetary Cores; An Overview of Some Ongoing Research; Present Tools for Investigating Mechanical Forcings and Instabilities in the Laboratory; The Saturation of the Instability; Dynamo Driven By Mechanical Forcing
Text of Note
This book explores the dynamics of planetary and stellar fluid layers, including atmospheres, oceans, iron cores, and convective and radiative zones in stars, describing the different theoretical, computational and experimental methods used to study these problems in fluid mechanics, including the advantages and limitations of each method for different problems. This scientific domain is by nature interdisciplinary and multi-method, but while much effort has been devoted to solving open questions within the various fields of mechanics, applied mathematics, physics, earth sciences and astrophysics, and while much progress has been made within each domain using theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches, cross-fertilizations have remained marginal. Going beyond the state of the art, the book provides readers with a global introduction and an up-to-date overview of relevant studies, fully addressing the wide range of disciplines and methods involved. The content builds on the CISM course "Fluid mechanics of planets and stars", held in April 2018, which was part of the research project FLUDYCO, supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.