Intro; Introduction; Contents; About the Authors; List of Figures; 1 Racism and Hate Crime: Its Historical Roots; Introduction; Conceptual Ambiguity and Inconsistency; A History of Hate Crime; Anti-Semitism; Racism Directed at Early Black and Asian Immigrants; The Slave Trade; The Colonial Heritage; Competition for Scarce Resources and Political Threat; Nineteenth Century: Civil Unrest, Access Controls; Conclusion; References; 2 Immigration Control and Racially Motivated Violence: 1900 to the early 1960s; Introduction; Anti-immigrant Sentiment in the Early Twentieth Century
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5 Legislating Against Racially Aggravated Offending: From the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 to the Macpherson ReportIntroduction; The Crime and Disorder Act 1998; The Macpherson Inquiry; Racial Violence in the 1990s; Background to the Macpherson Report (1999); Findings of the Macpherson Report; Institutional Racism; Macpherson's Recommendations: (1) Responding to Racially Motivated Hatred; Reforms to Policing: (2) Police Relationships with Minority Ethnic Communities; Conclusion; References; 6 Islamophobia and the Social Cohesion Agenda; Introduction; Islamophobia Within Britain
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Discrimination, Disadvantage, and Reforms to Race Relations LegislationThe 1976 Race Relations Act; Immigration Control; Communal Responses to Racism and Hate Crime; The Colony; The Politics of Hate; The National Front; The Conservative Party and Immigration Control; Social Reform to Alleviate Racial Disadvantage and Racism; Conclusion; References; 4 Policing, Social Disorder, and Responding to Racially Motivated Offending in the 1980s and 1990s; Introduction; Accusations of Discriminatory Policing; New Cross Fire 1981; 'Police Against Black People'; The Brixton Riots and the Scarman Inquiry
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Racial Unrest: 1914-1939Anti-Semitism; The 1936 Public Order Act and Its Enforcement; The Second World War and Racial Discrimination; Racial Violence 1945-The Early 1960s; Immigration from the 'New Commonwealth'; The Notting Hill Race Riots and Their Aftermath; Initiatives to Combat Racial Injustices in the Early 1960s; Conclusion; References; 3 Racially Motivated Discrimination, Extremist Rhetoric, and Immigration Control: 1960 to the Early 1980s; Introduction; Race Relations and Immigration Control; The Race Relations Act 1965
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Reforms to Policing Proposed in the Scarman ReportPublic Order Act 1986; Racially Motivated Offending; Public Order Offences; Measuring Racial Attacks and Implementing Solutions; Developments to Combat Racial Violence After 1981; The Scale of Hate Crime in the Late 1980s and Early 1990s; Communal Responses to Racial Violence; Changes Affecting the Definition and Recording of Hate Crime During the 1990s; The Context of Hate Crime: Racial Prejudice and Discrimination; The Perpetrators of Racial Harassment and Violence; The Manningham Riots; Conclusion; References
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This book focuses on two key aspects of hate crime in the UK since 1945: those motivated by racial and religious prejudices. It examines factors that have underpinned the emergence and occurrence of racial and religious hate crime and the approaches and policies that have been pursued by the state, especially the criminal justice system, to combat this problem. Crucially, it also provides insight into the challenges that are faced in the contemporary period (especially in the wake of the 2016 EU referendum) in combatting hate crime. Additionally the book briefly considers the importance of the rhetoric of the Trump campaign and the administration's early policies to the contemporary manifestations of racial and religious hate crime.--