"Doctoral thesis accepted by the Durham University, Durham, UK."
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references.
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Intro; Supervisor's Foreword; Abstract; Publications Related to This Thesis; Acknowledgements; Contents; 1 Introduction; 1.1 The Standard Model; 1.1.1 QCD; 1.1.2 Electroweak Theory and the Higgs Mechanism; 1.2 Flavour; 1.2.1 CKM; 1.2.2 CP Violation; 1.3 Beyond the Standard Model?; 1.3.1 Dark Matter; 1.3.2 Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry; 1.3.3 Neutrino Masses; 1.3.4 Flavour Anomalies; 1.4 Remainder of the Thesis; References; 2 Theoretical Tools; 2.1 Effective Field Theories; 2.2 Heavy Quark Expansion; 2.3 Heavy Quark Effective Theory; 2.4 Example Calculations; 2.4.1 Matching and RG Running
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2.4.2 B s Mixing2.5 B Mixing Observables; References; 3 Quark-Hadron Duality; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Duality Violation; 3.2.1 B Mixing; 3.2.2 Duality Bounds from Lifetime Ratios; 3.3 Numerical Updates of Standard Model Predictions; 3.4 D Mixing; 3.5 Summary; References; 4 Charming Dark Matter; 4.1 Introduction; 4.1.1 The DMFV Model; 4.2 Relic Density; 4.2.1 Relic Density with Coannihilations; 4.2.2 The Generation of Mass Splitting; 4.3 Flavour Constraints; 4.3.1 Mixing Observables; 4.3.2 Rare Decays; 4.4 Direct Detection Constraints; 4.5 Indirect Detection Constraints
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4.5.1 Basics of Indirect Detection4.5.2 Gamma Rays (and Other Mono-chromatic Lines); 4.6 Collider Constraints; 4.6.1 EFT Limit; 4.6.2 LHC Bounds; 4.6.3 Collider Constraints Within DMFV; 4.7 Results; 4.7.1 Constrained Scenarios; 4.8 Summary; References; 5 Charming New Physics in Rare Bs Decays and Mixing?; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Charming New Physics Scenario; 5.3 Rare B Decays; 5.4 Mixing and Lifetime Observables; 5.5 Rare Decays Versus Lifetimes-Low-Scale Scenario; 5.6 High-Scale Scenario and RGE; 5.6.1 RG Enhancement of Delta C9eff; 5.6.2 Phenomenology for High NP Scale
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This PhD thesis is dedicated to a subfield of elementary particle physics called "Flavour Physics". The Standard Model of Particle Physics (SM) has been confirmed by thousands of experimental measurements with a high precision. But the SM leaves important questions open, like what is the nature of dark matter or what is the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe. By comparing high precision Standard Model calculations with extremely precise measurements, one can find the first glimpses of the physics beyond the SM - currently we see the first hints of a potential breakdown of the SM in flavour observables. This can then be compared with purely theoretical considerations about new physics models, known as model building. Both precision calculations and model building are extremely specialised fields and this outstanding thesis contributes significantly to both topics within the field of Flavour Physics and sheds new light on the observed anomalies.