editors, Maddie Breeze, Yvette Taylor and Cristina Costa.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Cham, Switzerland :
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Palgrave Macmillan,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
1 online resource
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Intro; Foreword I; Foreword II; Acknowledgements; Contents; Notes on Contributors; List of Figures; Introduction: Time and Space in the Neoliberal University; Chapter Summaries; References; Closed Doors: Academic Collegiality, Isolation, Competition and Resistance in the Contemporary Australian University; Introduction; Collegiality; Collectivity; Isolated Colleagues; Competitive Collegiality; Communal Spaces; Behind Closed Doors; Collegiality in the Margins; Appropriations of Feminist Collegiality; Conclusion; References; Feminist Pedagogy: Fractures of Recognition in Higher Education
Text of Note
Environmental JusticeMad Studies; Incorporation or War of Position?; References; Discourses of Dissonance: Enabling Sites of Praxis and Practice Amongst Arts and Design Doctoral Study; A Prologue; Para-Doxa, the Academic Precariat and the Landscape of Doctoral Education; A Dissonant Terrain? Practice in, as, through, and Research in the Arts and Design; Research-Practice-Pedagogy; This Is Research: Opening up Sites of Praxis and Practice; References; An Embodied Approach in a Cognitive Discipline; Embodiment/Disembodiment; Wellbeing; Methods: Embodied and Creative Research; Findings
Text of Note
In Defence of Safe Spaces: Subaltern Counterpublics and Vulnerable Politics in the Neoliberal UniversityIntroduction; Defining Safe Spaces; Theorising Safe Spaces and Subjectivity: Against (or for) Neo-liberalism; The Figure of the Student and the Politics of Vulnerability; Safe Spaces as Subaltern Counterpublics; Safe for Whom? Safe Spaces and Their Flaws; Conclusion: Activism as Balancing Act; References; Public Sociology and Social Movements: Incorporation or a War of Position?; Introduction; Pedagogical Practice; Lifelong Education in Theory; Lifelong Education in Practice; Gender Justice
Text of Note
IntroductionGendered Fractures in Higher Education; The Possibilities of Feminist-Activist Pedagogy; Teaching Sociological Theory: Pedagogy Going 'Pear-Shaped'; Generative Responses to Provocative and Volatile Feminist Pedagogy; In Closing; References; (Dis)Assembling the Neoliberal Academic Subject: When PhD Students Construct Feminist Spaces; Introduction; Methodology; Living a Feminist PhD Student Life; Workshop Impetus and Inspiration; Preparations; Creating (Alternative) Space; On the Day: Navigating Positive and Unsettling Moments; Critical Creativity; Maintaining Space; Collaboration
Text of Note
Mainstreaming (Punk) Feminist PedagogyMaking Time for Creativity; Closing Reflections; References; The Imperial/Neoliberal University: What Does It Mean to Be Included?; Introduction; The Politics of 'Inclusion'; The Politics of 'Access'; Decolonising Oxford?; The Cost of Inclusion; Inclusion and the (Im)Possibility of Relationships; Conclusion; References; Black Scottish Writing and the Fiction of Diversity; Decolonising Scottish Writing; Black Scottish or Black British Writing?; In the Classroom; Conclusion; References
Text of Note
This book offers new interdisciplinary analyses of borders and blockages in higher education and how they can be inhabited and reworked. Amidst stratified inequalities of race, gender, class and sexuality, across time and space, contributors explore what alternative academic futures can be claimed. While higher education institutions are increasingly concerned with 'internationalization', 'diversity', and 'widening access and participation', the sector remains complicit in reproducing entrenched inequalities of access and outcomes among both students and staff: boundaries of who does and does not belong are continually drawn, enacted, contested and redrawn. In the contemporary neoliberal, entrepreneurial and 'post'-colonial educational context, contributors critically examine educational futures as these become more uncertain. This wide-ranging collection serves as a call to action for those concerned with the future of higher education, and how alternative futures can be reimagined -- Publisher's website.