Frank Teuteberg, Maximilian Hempel, Liselotte Schebek, editors.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Cham, Switzerland :
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
1 online resource
Series Title
Sustainable production, life cycle engineering and management
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references.
Text of Note
Intro; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; About the Editors; Methodological Developments; Beyond Production-the Relevance of User Decision and Behaviour in LCA; 1 Introduction; 2 Modelling Alternative Use and Collaborative Consumption Patterns; 2.1 Defining Use and System Boundaries of Collaborative Consumption Models; 2.2 Implications of Alternative Consumption Patterns for the System Under Consideration; 3 Inventory Analysis and the User Behaviour; 3.1 User Behaviour and Rebound Effects; 3.2 Data Sources and Methods of Data Collection for Modelling of User Behaviour
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1 Introduction2 Methodology; 2.1 Related Work; 2.2 Literature Analysis; 2.3 Grey Literature and Media Resonance; 3 Results; 3.1 Definitions and Core Elements; 3.2 Risks and Opportunities; 4 Discussion and Outlook; 5 Conclusion; References; Dynamisation of Life Cycle Assessment Through the Integration of Energy System Modelling to Assess Alternative Fuels; 1 Motivation and Problem Scope; 1.1 Deep Decarbonisation Energy Scenarios and the Relevance of Power-to-X Technologies; 1.2 Limitations of Classic LCA Approaches and the Development Towards Dynamic LCA
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2 Developed Methodology and Exemplary Application2.1 Discussion of Goal and Scope for the Proposed Methodology; 2.2 Modularisation and Dynamisation of LCA; 2.3 Exemplary Application for the Production of PtX Fuel; 3 Outlook and Future Projects; References; Energy; External Costs as Indicator for the Environmental Performance of Power Systems; 1 Introduction; 2 Background; 3 Methodology; 3.1 External Cost LCA Database Integration; 3.2 LCAs of Power Production Technologies in Germany; 3.3 Linear Regression Analysis; 4 Results; 5 Discussion; 6 Conclusions and Outlook; References
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4 Processes of Decision-Making in the Context of LCA5 Conclusion; References; Ecological Assessment Based on Environmental Product Declarations; 1 Introduction; 2 UBA Ecological Evaluation Method; 3 b & v Method; 4 Results; 5 Summary and Outlook; References; Social Sustainability as a Target Figure in Life Cycle Assessment: Development of a Catalogue of Criteria for Measuring the Social Dimension; 1 Introduction; 2 Social Sustainability as a Target Value in Life Cycle Assessment; 3 Methodical Approach; 4 Results; 5 Discussion; 6 Conclusion; References; Mobility
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Comparing Carbon Performances of Mobility Services and Private Vehicles from a Life Cycle Perspective1 Introduction; 1.1 Life Cycle Assessment and Mobility Services; 1.2 Passenger Cars Versus Mobility Services; 2 Methodology; 2.1 Research Question, Databases, Search Terms; 2.2 Screening Criteria, Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria; 3 Results; 3.1 Bibliographic Analysis; 3.2 Characteristics of Assessed Mobility Services; 3.3 Methodological Characteristics; 4 Discussion; 5 Conclusion; References; Sustainability Impacts of Mobility as a Service: A Scoping Study for Technology Assessment
Text of Note
This book comprises recent developments in life cycle assessment (LCA) both with regards to the methodology and its application in various research fields, including mobility, engineering and manufacturing. Containing numerous original research articles from leading German research institutes, the book provides an insightful resource for professionals working in the field of sustainability assessment, for researchers interested in the current state of LCA research as well as for advanced university students in different scientific and engineering fields.