Intro; Preface; Contents; Contributions; Contributors; Time and Frequency Metrology in the Context of Relativistic Geodesy; 1 Introduction; 2 Characterization of Time and Frequency Signals; 3 Atomic Clocks; 3.1 Commercial Clocks; 3.2 Cold-Atom Fountain Clocks; 3.3 Optical Frequency Standards; 4 International Time Scales and Their Local Realizations; 5 Satellite-Based Time and Frequency Transfer; 5.1 GNSS-Based Time and Frequency Transfer; 5.2 Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer; 6 Look Ahead and Conclusions; References; Chronometric Geodesy: Methods and Applications
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1 Introduction2 The Relativistic Framework; 2.1 Observers and the Spacetime Manifold; 2.2 Simultaneity and Synchronization; 2.3 Relativistic Reference Systems; 2.4 Chronometric Geodesy; 2.5 The Chronometric Geoid; 3 Comparisons of Frequency Standards; 3.1 The Einstein Equivalence Principle; 3.2 Relativistic Frequency Transfer; 3.3 Frequency Transfer Techniques; 3.4 Clock Syntonization; 3.5 The Realization of Terrestrial Time (TT); 3.6 Temporal Variations of the Gravity Field; 4 Geodetic Methods for Determining the Gravity Potential; 4.1 Fundamentals of Physical Geodesy
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3.1 Method 1: Relativistic Gradiometry/Gravitational Compass3.2 Method 2: Relativistic Clock Gradiometry/Gravitational Clock Compass; 4 Summary; 4.1 Method 1: Summary; 4.2 Method 2: Summary; 5 Outlook: Operational Determination of the Gravitational Field in Theories Beyond GR; 5.1 World Function and Deviation Equation; 5.2 World Function in Riemann-Cartan Spacetime; 5.3 Operational Interpretation; 5.4 Summary; References; A Snapshot of J.L. Synge; 1 Introduction; 2 A Scheme of Approximation; 3 Lorentz Transformations; 4 Synge on an Observation of E.T. Whittaker; 5 Epilogue; References
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4.2 The Geometric Levelling Approach4.3 The GNSS/Geoid Approach; 4.4 Uncertainty Considerations; 5 Relativistic Redshift Corrections for the Realization of TT from Geodetic Methods; 5.1 The ITOC Project; 5.2 The GNSS and Levelling Campaigns; 5.3 The European Gravimetric Quasigeoid Model EGG2015; 5.4 Gravity Potential Determination; 5.5 Unified Relativistic Redshift Corrections; 6 Contribution of Chronometric Geodesy to the Determination of the Geoid; 6.1 Methodology; 6.2 Data Set; 6.3 Contribution of Clocks; 7 Conclusions; References
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Measuring the Gravitational Field in General Relativity: From Deviation Equations and the Gravitational Compass to Relativistic Clock Gradiometry1 Introduction; 1.1 Method 1: Measuring the Gravitational Field by Means of Test Bodies; 1.2 Method 2: Measuring the Gravitational Field by Means of Clocks; 2 Theoretical Foundations; 2.1 Method 1: Comparison of Two General Curves; 2.2 Method 2: Reference Frame (Inertial and Gravitational Effects); 2.3 Method 2: Apparent Behavior of Clocks; 3 Operational Determination of the Gravitational Field
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Due to steadily improving experimental accuracy, relativistic concepts? based on Einstein?s theory of Special and General Relativity? are playing an increasingly important role in modern geodesy. This book offers an introduction to the emerging field of relativistic geodesy, and covers topics ranging from the description of clocks and test bodies, to time and frequency measurements, to current and future observations. Emphasis is placed on geodetically relevant definitions and fundamental methods in the context of Einstein?s theory (e.g. the role of observers, use of clocks, definition of reference systems and the geoid, use of relativistic approximation schemes). Further, the applications discussed range from chronometric and gradiometric determinations of the gravitational field, to the latest (satellite) experiments. The impact of choices made at a fundamental theoretical level on the interpretation of measurements and the planning of future experiments is also highlighted. Providing an up-to-the-minute status report on the respective topics discussed, the book will not only benefit experts, but will also serve as a guide for students with a background in either geodesy or gravitational physics who are interested in entering and exploring this emerging field.