Intro; Preface; Contents; List of Contributors; Theoretical Background: Introduction to Social Marketing; Learning Objectives; Introduction; Definition and Core Concepts; Social Marketing Approaches; The Social Marketing Program; Ethical Considerations; References; Part I: Social Marketing Cases: Environment; Greenpeace: The Threat of the Dark Side of Volkswagen; Learning Objectives; Introduction; Episode I: The Power of the Force; Episode II: The Force and the Conquest of the Planet Earth; Episode III: Uncovering the Dark Side; Episode IV: The Rebellion of the Green Jedis
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Episode V: The Return of the Dark SideEpisode VI: The Fume Threat; Episode VII: The Final Defeat?; Conclusions; Discussion Questions; References; Plan of Action Against the Fire: Educational Programme ``Bombi, the Firefighter;́́ Learning Objectives; Introduction; Case Development; The Province of Córdoba; Care for the Forest: Fire Risk and Issue; The Plan of Fire Management of Córdoba; The Educational Programme ``Bombi, the Firefighter;́́ Aims and Basis of the Programme; Characteristics of the Programme; The Educational Session Dynamics: Suggested Activities
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Market Segmentation and Factors Affecting Blood DonationSocial Marketing in the Blood Donor Association of Cantabria; Convenience: How to Break the Barrier of the Distance; Communication: How to Inform and Persuade; Reaching Different Targets; Communication for Young Donors; Communication for Experienced Donors; Solving Seasonal Issues; Conclusions; Discussion Questions; References; The Importance of Social Marketing in Global Health Emergencies: The Case of Zika Virus Infection; Learning Objectives; Introduction; Development of the Case; Zika Virus: Description of the Disease
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Pedagogical Material: Stories and Tales WrittenThe Story of Bombi; The Story ``The Fourth Element (Land, Water, Air and the Fire)́́; Performance of the Theatre Plays; Videos of Bombi, the Firefighter, and His Friends; Conclusions; The Results of the Programme and Its Impact on Fire Prevention; Discussion Questions; References; Greenpeaceś Detox Campaign: Towards a More Sustainable Textile Industry; Learning Objectives; Introduction; Agent: Greenpeace; The Textile Industry: Unsustainable Trends; The Detox Campaign; Targets and Implementation of the Campaign; First Stage; Second Stage
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Third StageMarketing Mix; Product; Promotion; Message Framing; Media and Formats; Place; Price; Consequences of the Campaign; Conclusion; Discussion Questions; References; Part II: Social Marketing Cases: Public Health; Going Beyond Downstream Social Marketing: The Case of ``Jamieś Food Revolution;́́ Learning Objectives; Introduction; Case Development; The Strategy: A Multi-stakeholder Approach; Conclusions; Discussion Questions; References; How to Promote Blood Donation? The Case of the Blood Donor Association of Cantabria (Spain); Learning Objectives; Introduction
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Social marketing has become an indispensable tool for all types of organizations worldwide. This book presents high-quality cases on the development, implementation, and analysis of different social marketing campaigns that have been created by non-governmental organizations, public administrations, and even businesses. The respective cases reflect the fact that, although social marketing was initially employed by public administrations and NGOs, the number of campaigns developed by all type of organizations, including businesses, is on the rise; in fact, Corporate Social Marketing is now considered to be one of the main CSR initiatives at businesses around the globe. Pursuing an international approach, the cases in the book explore social marketing practices from a diverse set of countries and cultures around the world.