Intro; Foreword; Preface; Reviewers; Contents; Abbreviations; Symbols; 1 Introduction; References; 2 The Heavy Ion Beam Probe Diagnostic and Applications; 2.1 The Heavy Ion Beam Probe Diagnostic; 2.1.1 General; 2.1.2 HIBP Operating Principle; 2.1.3 Fluctuation Measurements with the HIBP; 2.1.4 HIBP Hardware and Technology; 2.2 The HIBP Diagnostic System in T-10; 2.2.1 Energy Range and Beam Current; 2.2.2 Profiles Measurements and Verification of Trajectories; 2.2.3 Toroidal Displacement of the Probing Beam; 2.3 The HIBP Diagnostic in TJ-II; 2.3.1 Energy Range and Beam Current
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2.3.2 Obtaining of Profiles and Verification of Trajectories2.3.3 Double Detector Line and Measurement of Particle Turbulent Flux and Plasma Rotation; References; 3 Radial Profiles of the Plasma Potential in Ohmic and L-Mode Plasmas; 3.1 Ohmically Heated Plasmas in TM-4; 3.1.1 Experimental Setup and Main Diagnostics on TM-4; 3.1.2 Experimental Results Obtained on TM-4; 3.1.3 Summary of Results in TM-4 for Plasma Potential and Confinement; 3.2 Ohmic and ECR Heated Plasmas in T-10; 3.2.1 Experimental Setup and Main Diagnostics on T-10; 3.2.2 Low-Density and Low Magnetic Field Plasmas
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3.2.3 Ohmic and ECR Heated Plasmas at Medium-Density and Medium Magnetic Field3.2.4 Plasmas at High Magnetic Field; 3.2.5 Density Dependence of the Plasma Potential; 3.2.6 Velocities of E × B Drift and Plasma Turbulence Poloidal Rotation; 3.2.7 Conclusions from the T-10 Experiments on the Link Between Plasma Potential and Energy Confinement; 3.3 ECR and NBI Heating in TJ-II; 3.3.1 Experimental Setup and Main Diagnostics; 3.3.2 ECR Heated Plasmas; 3.3.3 Plasma Potential Behavior in Experiments with ECRH Power Modulation; 3.3.4 ECRH Experiments with Varying Magnetic Configurations
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3.3.5 ECR and NBI Heated Plasmas3.3.6 Comparison of Plasmas with Combined NBI and On- and Off-Axis ECR Heating; 3.3.7 Sensitivity of Potential Profiles to the ECRH Power Deposition; 3.3.8 Plasmas with Li-Coated Walls; 3.3.9 Velocities of E × B Drift and Plasma Turbulence Poloidal Rotation Measured by HIBP; 3.3.10 Conclusions from the TJ-II Experiments Concerning the Link Between the Plasma Potential, Collisionality and Energy Confinement; 3.4 Modelling of the Plasma Potential; 3.4.1 Determination of the Electric Field from the Radial Force Balance
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3.4.2 Simulation of the Radial Electric Field in Stellarators3.4.3 Simulation of the Radial Electric Field in T-10; 3.4.4 Behavior of the Plasma Potential in Stellarators and Tokamaks; 3.5 Common Properties of the Plasma Potential Between Tokamaks and Stellarators; References; 4 Characterization of the Quasicoherent Oscillations in the Plasma Potential; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Detection and Investigation of Geodesic Acoustic Modes in T-10; 4.2.1 T-10 Experimental Setup; 4.2.2 Observation of Plasma Potential Oscillations Induced by Geodesic Acoustic Modes
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This work introduces heavy ion beam probe diagnostics and presents an overview of its applications. The heavy ion beam probe is a unique tool for the measurement of potential in the plasma core in order to understand the role of the electric field in plasma confinement, including the mechanism of transition from low to high confinement regimes (L-H transition). This allows measurement of the steady-state profile of the plasma potential, and its use has been extended to include the measurement of quasi-monochromatic and broadband oscillating components, the turbulent-particle flux and oscillations of the electron density and poloidal magnetic field. Special emphasis is placed on the study of Geodesic Acoustic Modes and Alfvén Eigenmodes excited by energetic particles with experimental data sets. These experimental studies help to understand the link between broadband turbulent physics and quasi-coherent oscillations in devices with a rather different magnetic configuration. The book also compares spontaneous and biased transitions from low to high confinement regimes on both classes of closed magnetic traps (tokamak and stellarator) and highlights the common features in the behavior of electric potential and turbulence of magnetized plasmas. A valuable resource for physicists, postgraduates and students specializing in plasma physics and controlled fusion.