Strategy formation and policy making in government /
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Jan-Erik Johanson.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Cham, Switzerland :
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Palgrave Macmillan,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
1 online resource
Text of Note
Intro; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; Chapter 1 Introduction; Three Modes of Strategy Formation; The Organisation of the Book; References; Chapter 2 Policy Making in Government; Parts of Society; The Economy; Polity; Civil Society; References; Chapter 3 Strategy Formation in Government; Strategic Design: Strategic Planning and Evaluation; Internal Strategic Scanning: Administrative Reform; NPA; NPM; PVM; NPS; NPG; Strategic Governance: Regulation in Governance; References; Chapter 4 Strategy Formation in Public Agencies; The Public Agency Context
Text of Note
Analytic DimensionsThe Role of Strategy; Assumptions About Environment; Primary Types of Capital; The Role of the Public Manager; The Position of Professions; Managerial Control; Strategic Design Mode; The Internal Strategic Scanning Mode; Strategic Governance Mode; References; Chapter 5 Strategic Design; Public and Private Strategic Design; Politics as Markets; Organisational Processes; Performance Regimes; Further Avenues; References; Chapter 6 Internal Strategic Scanning; Research-Based View; Knowledge-Based Considerations; Dynamic Capabilities; References; Chapter 7 Strategic Governance
Text of Note
Public AgenciesTriadic Constellations; Public Agencies in Network Context; The Non-Partisan 'The Mediator'; Tertius Gaudens 'The Business Partner'; Divide et Impera 'The Antitrust Agent'; References; Chapter 8 Strategy and Performance; Strategic Management; Performance Measurement; The Strategy-Performance Interface; Defining Action Sequences; Employing Heuristics; Managing External Interactions; Buffering Goals; Administering Doses for Survival; Weighing Reciprocities; Harvesting Legitimacy; Creating Innovation; Integrating Communities; References; Chapter 9 Conclusions; References; Index
Text of Note
This book explores goal-oriented action and describes the variety of options offered by strategic management in guiding public organisations. The book is based on the idea that planning is only one option in orienting the functioning of public organisations and applies resource-based and network studies to the public sector. Whilst most of the existing literature on strategic management relates to local government, this book examines developments within central governments and public agencies external to government hierarchies. The book also addresses the strategic distinction between politics and administration often neglected by existing research, and illustrates the connection between goal setting and actual performance of government organisations. Jan-Erik Johanson is Professor and Chair of Administrative Sciences at the University of Tampere, Finland. As well as strategic management, his recent research interests include hybrid organisations, innovation in regional networks, power relations in pension funds, and the determinants of efficiency in teams in projects funded by the Academy of Finland. He is currently vice-director of a research project studying performance of hybrid organisations.--