Intro; Contents; 1: What Is an Addiction?; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Addiction Versus Dependence: Conceptual Changes; 1.3 Key Neurobiological Findings in Addiction Research; 1.4 Executive Control and Addictive Behaviour; 1.5 Addictions Versus Compulsions; 1.6 Summary and Outlook; References; 2: Gambling Disorder as a Clinical Phenomenon; 2.1 Games and Gambling in Antiquity; 2.2 Gambling to Excess; 2.3 Gambling Disorder as a Clinical Phenomenon; 2.4 Current Diagnostic Criteria for Gambling Disorder; 2.5 Diagnosis of Subclinical Gambling
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2.6 A Harm-Based Classification: The Concept of 'Problem Gambling'2.7 Gambling-Related Harm; 2.8 Conclusions; References; 3: The Epidemiology of Gambling Disorder; 3.1 Prevalence and Gender Distribution; 3.1.1 Prevalence; 3.1.2 Gender Differences; 3.2 Age at Onset; 3.3 Course and Outcome; 3.3.1 Suicidal Ideations and Behaviors; 3.4 Race and Ethnicity; 3.5 Psychiatric Comorbidity; 3.5.1 Substance Use Disorders; 3.5.2 Mood Disorders; 3.5.3 Anxiety Disorders; 3.5.4 Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder; 3.5.5 Impulse Control Disorders; 3.6 Personality Disorders
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3.7 GD SubtypesReferences; 4: Cognitive Distortions in Disordered Gambling; 4.1 Addressing Cognitive Distortions in Therapy for Gambling Disorder; 4.1.1 Treatment with Measured Change in Cognitive Distortions; 4.2 Measuring Cognitive Distortions; 4.2.1 Cognitive Distortions Implicated in GD; 4.2.2 Content Validity of Current Measures; 4.2.3 Non-comprehensive Scales; 4.2.4 Need for Confirmatory Factor Analysis; 4.2.5 Establishing Measurement Invariance; 4.2.6 Summary of Measurement Problems; 4.3 Instruments for Measuring Cognitive Distortions in GD
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4.3.1 Gambling Beliefs and Attitudes Survey (GABS)4.3.2 Beliefs About Control Scale (BAC); 4.3.3 Gambler's Beliefs Questionnaire (GBQ-1); 4.3.4 Perceived Personal Luck Scale (PPLS); 4.3.5 Gambler's Beliefs Questionnaire (GBQ-2); 4.3.6 The Information Biases Scale (IBS); 4.3.7 The Gambling Related Cognitions Scale (GRCS); 4.3.8 The Drake Beliefs About Chance Inventory (DBC); 4.3.9 Gambling-Related Cognitive Distortion (GRCD); 4.3.10 Personal Luck Usage Scale (PLUS); 4.3.11 Gambling Cognitions Inventory (GCI); 4.3.12 Scales Not Developed for Gambling; 4.4 Conclusion; References
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5: Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Risk for Disordered Gambling5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Disordered Gambling Runs in Families: Setting the Stage; 5.3 Twin Studies of Disordered Gambling: Shared Genes Rather Than Shared Environments; 5.4 Twin Studies of Disordered Gambling Comorbidity: Specific and Non-specific Genetic Risks; 5.5 Molecular Genetic Research on Disordered Gambling: Finding the Genetic Risk Factors; 5.6 Development of DG: The Roots of DG; 5.7 Environment: An Important Piece of the Puzzle; 5.8 Gene-Environment Interplay: Putting the Pieces Together; 5.9 Summary
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This book provides an overview of the state of the art in research on and treatment of gambling disorder. As a behavioral addiction, gambling disorder is of increasing relevance to the field of mental health. Research conducted in the last decade has yielded valuable new insights into the characteristics and etiology of gambling disorder, as well as effective treatment strategies. The different chapters of this book present detailed information on the general concept of addiction as applied to gambling, the clinical characteristics, epidemiology and comorbidities of gambling disorder, as well as typical cognitive distortions found in patients with gambling disorder. In addition, the book includes chapters discussing animal models and the genetic and neurobiological underpinnings of the disorder. Further, it is examining treatment options including pharmacological and psychological intervention methods, as well as innovative new treatment approaches. The book also discusses relevant similarities to and differences with substance-related disorders and other behavioral addictions. Lastly, it examines gambling behavior from a cultural perspective, considers possible prevention strategies and outlines future perspectives in the field.