2.6 Gyroid Optical Metamaterials2.6.1 Fabrication; 2.6.2 Optical Properties; 2.6.3 Simulations and Theoretical Description; References; 3 Methods; 3.1 Terpolymer Thin Films; 3.2 Differential Scanning Calorimetry; 3.3 Annealing; 3.3.1 Thermal Annealing; 3.3.2 In Situ Solvent Vapour Annealing; 3.3.3 Ex Situ Solvent Vapour Annealing; 3.4 Film Thickness Measurements; 3.5 Grazing-Incidence Small- and Wide-Angle X-Ray Scattering; 3.5.1 Paul Scherrer Institute; 3.5.2 Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source; 3.5.3 Data Analysis; 3.6 Electrodeposition of Gold; 3.7 Optical Characterisation
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3.7.1 Optical Microscopy3.7.2 Reflection Goniometry; 3.7.3 Transmission Goniometry; 3.8 Optical Simulations; References; Part I Solvent Vapour Annealing of a Gyroid-Forming Triblock Terpolymer; 4 In Situ GISAXS During Solvent Vapour Annealing of a Gyroid-Forming ISO Triblock Terpolymer; 4.1 Methods; 4.2 Results; 4.2.1 Solvent Vapour Annealing (SVA) Regimes; 4.2.2 Effect of Maximum Swelling Ratio and Solvent Removal Rate; 4.2.3 Effect of Different Solvent and Mixed Solvent Vapours; 4.3 Discussion; 4.3.1 Alternating Gyroid Morphology; 4.3.2 Robust Morphology and Flexible Unit Cell Size
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4.4 ConclusionReferences; 5 Preferentially Aligned Crystallisation Within a Single Gyroid Network of an ISO Triblock Terpolymer; 5.1 Methods; 5.2 Results; 5.2.1 Crystalline Superstructure; 5.2.2 Microphase-Separated Morphology; 5.2.3 Correlation of Crystalline Superstructure with Microphase-Separated Morphology; 5.3 Discussion; 5.3.1 Confined Crystallisation; 5.3.2 Multiple Individually Aligned Crystallites; 5.3.3 Crystallite Orientation; 5.3.4 Preferentially Aligned Crystallisation Along the langle111 rangle and langle100 rangle Directions
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5.3.5 Distribution of Local Crystallite Orientations5.4 Conclusion; References; Part II Optical Anisotropy in Gyroid Optical Metamaterials; 6 Multi-Domain Gyroid Optical Metamaterials; 6.1 Methods; 6.2 Effective Medium Theories; 6.2.1 Maxwell-Garnett Theory: Spherical Inclusions; 6.2.2 Bruggeman Theory: Spherical Inclusions; 6.2.3 Bruggeman Theory: Ellipsoidal Inclusions; 6.2.4 Model Fitting; 6.3 Results; 6.3.1 Multi-Domain Gyroid Optical Metamaterials; 6.3.2 Effective Medium Models; 6.3.3 Host Refractive Index and Volume Fill Fraction; 6.4 Discussion; 6.4.1 Bruggeman Random Wire Array
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This thesis explores the fabrication of gyroid-forming block copolymer templates and the optical properties of the resulting gyroid optical metamaterials, significantly contributing to our understanding of both. It demonstrates solvent vapour annealing to improve the long-range order of the templates, and investigates the unique crystallisation behaviour of their semicrystalline block. Furthermore, it shows that gyroid optical metamaterials that exhibit only short-range order are optically equivalent to nanoporous gold, and that the anomalous linear dichroism of gyroid optical metamaterials with long-range order is the result of the surface termination of the bulk gyroid morphology. Optical metamaterials are artificially engineered materials that, by virtue of their structure rather than their chemistry, may exhibit various optical properties not otherwise encountered in nature (e.g. a negative refractive index). However, these structures must be significantly smaller than the wavelength of visible light and are therefore challenging to fabricate using traditional "top down" techniques. Instead, a "bottom up" approach can be used, whereby optical metamaterials are fabricated via templates created by the self-assembly of block-copolymers. One such morphology is the gyroid, a chiral, continuous and triply periodic cubic network found in a range of natural and synthetic self-assembled systems.
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Springer Nature
Stock Number
Gyroid optical metamaterials.
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Condensed matter physics (liquid state & solid state physics)