Springer series on atomic, optical, and plasma physics,
Volume Designation
volume 103
ISSN of Series
1615-5653 ;
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Intro; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; About the Author; Acronyms; High Conductivity Channels for a Laser Lightning-Protection System; 1 Electric-Discharge Guiding by a Continuous Laser-Induced Spark; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Experimental Setup; 1.3 Experimental Results and Discussion; 1.4 Conclusions; References; 2 Experimental Simulation of a Laser Lightning-Protection System; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Experimental Setup; 2.3 Experimental Results and Analysis; 2.4 Conclusions; References; 3 Lightning and Ecology of Atmosphere; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Power of Lightning
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3.3 Lightning in the Natural Capacitor "Earth-Cloud"3.4 Lightning in the Natural Capacitor "Cloud-Ionosphere"; 3.5 Orbital Electrical Socket; 3.6 Conclusions; Reference; "Impulsar" as a Background for High Conductivity Channels Realization; 4 Interaction of an OPD with a Gas; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Conditions of Stable SW Generation; 4.3 Experimental Setup; 4.4 Combination of OPD-Generated SW; 4.5 Conclusions; References; 5 Mechanism of SW Merging in a LJE; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Efficient Laser Jet Engine; 5.3 Conclusions; References; 6 LJE Based on the Resonance Merging of SW
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6.1 Introduction6.2 Parameters of a Spark in the LJE; 6.3 Mechanism of the Resonance Merging of SW in a LJE; 6.4 Spherical OPD; 6.5 LJE Parameters in the Monoreflector Scheme; 6.6 Array Reflector; 6.7 LJE Based on the Resonance Merging of SW; 6.7.1 Mechanism and Scheme of Acceleration; 6.7.2 Advantages of the Method; 6.7.3 The LJE Parameters (Initial Data); Monoreflector; Array Reflector; 6.8 Conclusions; References; 7 LJE: The Action of SW at Low Laser Pulse Repetition Rates; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 LJE Parameters; 7.3 Conclusions; References
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8 Simulation of High Conductivity Channels in Space8.1 Introduction; 8.2 Lasers for Producing Sparks in the Atmosphere; 8.3 Use of a Pulse-Periodic Laser; 8.4 Formation of a Current-Conducting Channel According to the "Impulsar" Program; 8.5 Formation of an Electrical Breakdown in the Channel Formed by an Exploding Thin Wire; 8.6 Formation of Electrical Discharges in a Plasma Channel Produced by a Solid-State Laser; 8.7 Experimental Results; 8.8 Conclusions; References; 9 High Conductivity Channel Expansion Rate Measurements; 9.1 Introduction
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9.2 Formation of Controlled Electrical Discharges in a Channel Produced by the Explosion of a Wire9.3 Conclusions; References; 10 "Impulsar": New Application for High Power/Energy High Repetition Rate Pulse-Periodic Lasers; 10.1 Introduction; 10.2 Experimental Setup; 10.3 Results of Measurements; 10.3.1 Control Measurements; 10.3.2 Stationary Regime; 10.3.3 Pulsed Regime; 10.4 The Impact of Thermal Action; 10.5 The Dynamic Resonance Loads; 10.6 Matrix of Reflectors; 10.7 Super Long Conductive Channel for Energy Transfer; 10.8 Conclusions; References
Text of Note
This book discusses the physics of conductive channel development in space, air and vacuums and summarizes the attempts to create super-long conductive channels to study the upper atmosphere and to complete specific tasks related to energy transmission from the space to earth with high-voltage high repetition rate electrical sources. Conductive channels are produced by the laser jet engine vehicle-propulsion under the influence of powerful high repetition rate pulse-periodic laser radiation by CO2-laser, solid state Nd YAG, HF/DF laser systems generated with each pulse of the powerful laser conductive dust plasma. The book also presents the experimental and theoretical results of conductive canal modeling: the laser jet engine vehicle "Impulsar", which can reach the lower layers of the ionosphere in several hundred seconds. Further, the book explores the development of lightning protection systems. The so-called long laser spark is generated to provide the conditions for connecting a thunderstorm cloud with a grounded metal rod, i.e. a classical lightning rod. Such conductivity channels can be used for energy transmission, overvoltage protection systems, transport of charged particle beams and plasma antennas. It provides the theoretical and experimental basis of high repetition rate P-P mode of operation for high power lasers (COIL, HF/DF, CO2,Nd YAG). It describes high efficiency and excellent beam quality disk lasers used for numerous applications, including surface treatment of dielectric materials in microelectronics, cutting, drilling, welding, polishing and cleaning of the surface and other technological operations. Lastly it investigates how megawatt mono-module disk lasers could be used to solve various problems: small satellites launched by lasers, formation of super-long conducting channels in space and atmosphere, cleaning of the near-earth space from the space debris and related applications.