Intro; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; Chapter 1: Introduction; Music as a Soundtrack to Our Lives; The Conceptual Framework of This Book; The Methodological Approach to This Research; Systematic Narrative Review of Historical and Cross-Cultural Sources; Analysis of Musical Works: Texts and Musical Settings; Empirical Survey of Modern-Day Listeners and Case-Studies of Individual Listeners; The Structure of This Volume; References; Part I: Personal and Contextual Variables Influencing Music Listening Choices; Chapter 2: Longing for the Past and Music Listening Preferences
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Chapter 9: Coming of Age and BirthdaysHistorical and Cross-Cultural Practices; Modern Day Playlists; Case Study: Joy's Birthday; The Trajectory from the Past to the Modern Day; References; Chapter 10: Love and Heartbreak; Historical and Cross-Cultural Practices; Love in Songs of Ancient Times; The Medieval and Early Modern Periods; After the Renaissance; Modern-Day Playlists; Songs for Romance; Songs of Heartbreak; A Case Study: Peter; The Trajectory from the Past to the Modern Day; References; Chapter 11: Weddings; Historical and Cross-Cultural Practices
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Historical and Cross-Cultural PracticesMusic for Labour and Childbirth; Announcing the Birth; Re-integration into the Community and Celebrations of the Birth; Modern Day Playlists; Music for Labour and Childbirth; Celebrations of the Birth; The Trajectory from the Past to the Modern Day; References; Chapter 8: Childhood; Introduction; Historical and Cross-Cultural Practices; Lullabies; Play Songs; Social and Psychological Functions; Modern Day Playlists; A Case Study: Emma; The Trajectory from the Past to the Modern Day; Changing Cultural Values; Functions of Singing to Children; References
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Nostalgia in HistoryPersonal Nostalgia; Historical Nostalgia; Case Study: Nostalgia and Classical Music; Summarising Music and Nostalgia; References; Chapter 3: Desire for Family Connections: Family History and Cultural Context; The Influence of Family; Race and Culture; Cultural Displacement; Conclusions; References; Chapter 4: Personality, Gender, and Education; Personality; Gender; Social Class and Education; Conclusions; References; Chapter 5: Setting the Mood: Throughout History and in the Modern Day; Affective Regulation Using Music Throughout History; The Ancients; Medieval Period
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The Renaissance and Elizabethan EraBaroque Period, Classicism and the Enlightenment; Mood Altering and Self-Medicating with Music in Modern Times; References; Chapter 6: Music Throughout the Life Span; First Memories; Case Studies: Andrew and Simonne; Music in Identities; Case Study: Hreimur Choir, Iceland; Case Study: Choirs to Celebrate and Embrace Old Age; On Performance and Performers Across the Lifespan; Case Study: Music, Activism, Memory and Emotion; Conclusion; References; Part II: Historical and Psychological Variables Reflected in Music Choices for Key Life Events; Chapter 7: Birth
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How are our personal soundtracks of life devised? What makes some pieces of music more meaningful to us than others? This book explores the role of memory, both personal and cultural, in imbuing music with the power to move us. Focusing on the relationship between music and key life moments from birth to death, the text takes a cross-disciplinary approach, combining perspectives from a 'history of emotions' with modern day psychology, empirical surveys of modern-day listeners and analysis of musical works. The book traces the trajectory of emotional response to music over the past 500 years, illuminating the interaction between personal, historical and contextual variables that influence our hard-wired emotional responses to music, and the key role of memory and nostalgia in the mechanisms of emotional response.