Intro; Preface; Contents; Lyn Frazier's Contributions to Psycholinguistics: An Appreciation; 1 Sentence Processing; 1.1 Phrase Structure Processing; 1.2 Verb Phrase Ellipsis; 1.3 Semantics; 1.4 Prosody; 1.5 Changing Themes; 1.6 Lyn Frazier as Mentor and Colleague; References; Center-Embedded Sentences: An Online Problem or Deeper?; 1 Background; 1.1 Previous Findings; 2 The Current Project; 2.1 Method: The Double Reading Paradigm; 3 Results and Analyses; 3.1 Descriptive Results; 3.2 Statistical Analyses; 4 Discussion; 4.1 The 'Optimal' Prosodic Pattern; 4.2 Individual Differences
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2.1 Experiment 1A: Interpretation Questionnaire2.2 Experiment 1B: Fill in the Blank; 2.3 Discussion; 3 Experiment 2; 3.1 Experiment 2A; 3.2 Experiment 2B; 4 Experiment 3; 4.1 Interpretation Data; 4.2 Reading Time Data; 4.3 Discussion; 5 General Discussion; Appendix A. Materials from Experiments 1; Appendix B. Materials from Experiment 2; Appendix C. Materials from Experiment 3; References; The Division of Labor Between Structure Building and Feature Checking During Sentence Comprehension; 1 Introduction; 2 Reanalysis and Garden-Path Strength
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3 From Analysis to Reanalysis: The Linking-and-Checking Model4 Conclusion; References; Real-Time Commitments in Processing Individual/Degree Polysemy; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Individual/Degree Polysemy: A Background; 1.2 Theoretical Treatments of Individual/Degree Polysemy; 2 Individual/Degree Polysemy from a Processing Perspective; 2.1 Lexical Ambiguity; 2.2 Lexical Polysemy; 2.3 'Rule-Based' Polysemy; 2.4 Summary of Related Processing Work; 3 A Processing Study of Individual/Degree Polysemy; 3.1 Hypotheses and Predictions; 3.2 Experiment 1; 3.3 Experiment 2; 4 General Discussion; 5 Conclusion
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4.3 Future Research5 Conclusion; References; Contrastive Prosody and the Subsequent Mention of Alternatives During Discourse Processing; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Salience and Alternatives; 2 Experiment; 2.1 Participants; 2.2 Materials and Design; 2.3 Procedure; 2.4 Data Transcription and Annotation; 2.5 Results; 3 Discussion and Conclusion; References; Alternatives on Demand and Locality: Resolving Discourse-Linked Wh-Phrases in Sluiced Structures; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Processing Sluicing and the Locality Bias; 1.2 Discourse-Linking and Alternatives on Demand; 2 Experiment 1
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Appendix 1: Model Parameter Estimates, Experiment 1Appendix 2: Model Parameter Estimates, Experiment 2; Appendix 3: Sentence Materials, Experiment 1; Appendix 4: Sentence Materials, Experiment 2; References; Negative Polarity Items as Collocations: Experimental Evidence from German; 1 Introduction; 2 Preliminaries: Weak and Strong NPIs in Weak and Strong Licensing Contexts; 3 Partially Licensed Strong NPIs and Defective Idioms; 3.1 Experiment; 3.2 Discussion; 4 NPI Licensing as Collocation Requirement; 5 Summary and Outlook; References
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This book contains papers that were written to honor Professor Lyn Frazier on the occasion of her retirement from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Some were presented at the Lynschrift on May 19-20, 2018; others were written especially for this volume. The papers report original research on, or research-based theoretical analyses of, several of the domains that Professor Frazier contributed to during her career. The volume begins with a brief overview of Professor Frazier's research contributions and an appreciation of the contributions she has made to the field of psycholinguistics and to her students and colleagues. The next several chapters discuss the roles that prosody plays in language processing, and the volume continues with chapters on the topic that established Professor Frazier as a major psycholinguistic theorist, syntactic processing. The volume then explores the roles semantics and pragmatics play in language comprehension, and concludes with reports of applications and extensions of research on language processing. All chapters were contributed by current and former students and colleagues of Professor Frazier in gratitude for the impact she has had on their lives and careers.