Part I: Women in Academia and in the University Contexts: A Trans-disciplinary Approach -- Vincenti, G: The Exiled Queen Maria Casimira Sobieska in Rome: Gender, Culture and Politics -- Berardi, S: Emilia Morelli: A Historian in Italian Academics During the Second Post World War Period -- Del Baldo, M: Women and Editorial Leadership of Scientific and Academic Journals: An Explorative Study -- Ruzzeddu, M: Women and Science: Models of Participation -- Baldarelli, M. G., Cosentino, A., Del Baldo, M. and Magistro, A: Toward the Theory of Enterprise: Dialogue between Business and Economics Women Scholars -- Chiucchi, M. S., Giuliani, M. and Poli, S: Gender Differences in Intellectual Capital Research: An Exploratory Study -- Part II: Gender Issues, Corporate Social Responsibility and Reporting -- Drago, C. and Gatto, A: A Robust Approach to Composite Indicators Exploiting Interval Data: The Interval-valued Global Gender Gap Index (IGGGI) -- Drago, S. and Aliberti, L. A: Interlocking Directorship Networks and Gender: A Bibliometric Analysis -- Gennari, F: European Women on Boards and Corporate Sustainability -- Coluccia, D., Fontana, S. and Solimene, S: The Presence of Female Directors on Boards. An Empirical Investigation about its Effects on CSR -- Part III: Woman in Business and Female Entrepreneurship -- Saggese, S. and Sarto, F: The Role of Women on Board for Innovation: Lessons from the High-tech Companies -- Paoloni, P., Secundo, G., Ndou, V. and Modaffari, G: Women Entrepreneurship and Digital Technologies: Towards a Research Agenda -- Paoloni, P. and Drago, C: Analysing the Diffusion of the Ideas and Knowledge on Economic Open Problems on Female Entrepreneur in US over time: The Case of Wikipedia (Year 2015-2017) -- Paoloni, P., Lombardi, R. and Niccolò, P: Women Enterprises, Relational Capital and Corporate Strategy: A Multiple Case Study -- Demartini, P. and Marchegiani, L: Born to be Alive? Female Entrepreneurship and Innovative Start-ups -- Paoloni, P. and Valeri, M: Female Entrepreneurship and Management in the Immigrant Reception Sector in Italy -- Paoloni, P. and Serafini, G: A Fourfold Classification of Female Entrepreneurship Concept -- Bartholini, I: Gender and Work-life Balance: Gender and A Contest Analysis on Nursery Schools in Palermo -- Trequattrini, R., Manfredi, S., Lardo, A. and Cuozzo, B: Social Media as a New Opportunity for Female Entrepreneurs: An Analysis of Fashion Industry -- Part IV: Women in Family Business -- Napolitano, M .A: Susanna Agnelli. Between Family Business and Politics -- Cesaroni, F. M., Sentuti, A. and Chamochumbi, D: Which Drivers Affect the Presence of Women Directors on Corporate Boards? Evidence from Italian Medium-sized Family Firms.
Text of Note
This volume presents current research on gender and culture from business, management and accounting perspectives with a multidisciplinary approach. Featuring selected contributions presented at the 4th IPAZIA Workshop on Gender Studies held at Niccolò Cusano University in Rome, Italy, this book investigates gender strategies adopted and tested by various companies and assesses the impact of their subsequent dissemination. The contents are structured into four sections each of which addressing a specific theme on gender studies as follows: I) Women in Academia and in the University contexts: A trans-disciplinary approach; II) Gender issues, Corporate Social Responsibility and reporting; III) Woman in business and female entrepreneurship; IV) Women in Family Business. The result is a book that provides an innovative and rigorous analysis of gender issues proposing new challenges and insights in gender studies. IPAZIA Scientific Observatory for Gender Studies defines an updated framework of research, services, and projects, all initiatives related to women and gender relations at the local, national and international. In order to achieve this objective, the Observatory aims to implement the literature on gender studies, to organize and promote scientific significant initiatives (workshops, seminars, conferences, studies, scientific laboratory) on these issues at the national and international level under an interdisciplinary perspective.
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Springer Nature
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Advances in gender and cultural research in business and economics.