Introduction -- The concept of political virtue in the thirteenth century -- Rex strenuus valde litteratus: strength and wisdom as royal virtues in medieval Spain (1085-1284) -- Princely virtues or virtues for princes? William Peraldus and his De eruditione principum -- Virtue and the city: the virtues of the ruler and the citizen in the medieval reception of Aristotle's Politics -- Royal misdemeanour: princely virtues and criticism of the ruler in medieval Castile (Juan Gil de Zamora and Á́lvaro Pelayo) -- Justice, temptation, and the limits of princely virtue in Dante's conception of the monarch -- Virtues and exempla in John of Wales and Jacubus de Cessolis -- The opposite of love: royal virtue, economic prosperity, and popular discontent in fourteenth-century political thought -- Clemens princeps: Clementia as a princely virtue in Michael of Prague's De regimine principum -- Jean Gerson on virtues and princely education -- Princely virtues in De felici progressu of Michele Savonarola, court physician of the House of Este -- Piety, wisdom, and temperance in fifteenth-century Germany: a comparison of vernacular and Latin mirrors for princes.
Text of Note
The contributors to this volume examine the diverse roles played by moral virtues in the political writings of the Later Middle Ages. Medieval political thought has a long tradition of scholarship, and its ethical dimension has always received sustained attention. This volume specifically concentrates on the meaning and function of virtues in a political context, a theme which has thus far been neglected. The authors deal with Latin texts (occasionally in combination with vernacular ones) from the 13th to 15th centuries that define, legitimize, or criticize secular rule by using catalogues of virtues, originating from ancient philosophy as well as Christian moral theology. The medieval texts under discussion are of French, German, English, Italian, and Spanish origin, and vary from educational treatises and historiography to moral theology and political philosophy.
Ethics, Medieval, Congresses.
Political ethics-- Europe-- History-- To 1500, Congresses.
Scholasticism, Congresses.
Virtues-- History-- To 1500.
Dygd-- historia-- medeltiden, konferenser.
Ethics, Medieval.
Political ethics.
Politieke aspecten.
Politische Ethik
Politisk etik-- historia-- Europa-- före 1500, konferenser.