1 Prologue: Monopolies of Attention -- 2 An Open World -- 3 Defining Information and Openness -- 4 Patents and Copyright as Intellectual Property -- 5 Face to Face with Power -- 6 Triumph over Closed Minds: The Internet -- 7 Music to our Ears -- 8 How the Secret of Life Almost Stayed Secret -- 9 Meet Jamie Love -- 10 Openness: The Best Medicine -- 11 Making an Open World -- 12 Help us Make it Happen -- 13 Coda: The Original Copyfight -- 14 Acknowledgements.
Text of Note
Forget everything you think you know about the digital age. It{u2019}s not about privacy, surveillance, AI or blockchain{u2014}it{u2019}s about ownership. Because, in a digital age, who owns information controls the future. In this urgent and provocative book, Rufus Pollock shows how today{u2019}s "Closed" digital economy is the source of problems ranging from growing inequality, to unaffordable medicines, to the power of a handful of tech monopolies to control how we think and vote. He proposes a solution that charts a path to a more equitable, innovative and profitable future for all.