Introduction. Some diverse precedents. A positive model ; A few assumptions ; Brief explanations ; Conclusion -- Key issues for a Pentecostal theology of religions. Introduction ; Christological center ; A pneumatological basis ; An ecclesiological locus ; A missiological setting ; A soteriological focus ; An eschatological lens ; A biblical structure ; Theological consistency ; Conclusion -- Context of Pentecostal theology of religions. Introduction ; Early stages of a developing discipline ; Survey of early Pentecostal contributions ; Conclusion -- Contemporary Pentecostal theology of religion. Introduction ; Significant Charismatic partners ; Contemporary Pentecostal contributors ; Conclusion -- Constructing a Pentecostal theology of religions. Introduction ; Recognizing an urgent need ; Identifying a ready model ; Utilizing testimony as dialogue ; Conclusion -- Continuing conversations on Pentecostal theology of religions (Pentecostal partners). Introduction ; On Veli-Matti Karkkainen's suggestions ; On Amos Yong's observation ; Conclusion -- Continuing conversation on Pentecostal theology of religions (non-Pentecostal partner). Introduction ; Overview & assessments of Jurgen Moltmann's theology of religions and interreligious dialogue ; Observations on Jurgen Moltmann theology of religions & interreligious dialogue ; Conclusion -- Considering ramifications for Pentecostal theology of religions. Introduction ; Issues raised by Jurgen Moltmann for Pentecostal theology of religions & interreligious dialogue ; Interacting with Jurgen Moltmann on issues in Pentecostal theology of religions & interreligious dialogue ; Addressing Moltmann on the particular-universal problem in Pentecostal theology of religions ; Conclusion -- Conclusion. Exploring theology together with religious others ; Timing & structure of dialogue & comparative discourse ; Relating freedom of religion & religious pluralism.
Text of Note
The conversation of this book is framed by the transformative encounter of the Jewish Christian apostle, Peter, and the Gentile pagan convert, Cornelius (Acts 10). It confronts straightforwardly the reality of non-Christian religions and calls for a substantive Pentecostal response. It rejects the relativistic ideology of religious pluralism. More than that, drawing from classical Pentecostal heritage and engaging leading contemporary theologians, it presents a viable alternative to pluralistic philosophy.