Cover; Copyright and publication details; Table of Contents; About the author; Acknowledgements; Frequently Used Acronyms; Historical Background; Preliminary Matters; Sources of Information; A Legal Phenomenon; Criminal Procedure; The Medieval Background; From Sorcery to Witchcraft; Cunning Folk and Benign Magic; The Identification of Black Witches; From Credulity to Scepticism; Counterfeit and Fraud; Extent of Witch Persecution; The Wider British Isles; Meta-Narratives; Female Involvement; Urban Witches; Candidates for Witch-hood; Introduction; Gender; Familial Connections
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Conviction and Execution Rates for WitchcraftPost-Conviction Reprieves; Pregnancy; Execution of Witches; Late-Jacobean and Caroline Prosecutions; Introduction; A Turning Point; Caroline Prosecutions; The Civil War and Interregnum; Introduction; Matthew Hopkins and John Stearne; Subsequent Campaigns; Newcastle and Northumberland; Kent; Other Regions; Late-Interregnum; From the Restoration to Abolition; Introduction; The Final Fifty Years; The 1700s; Final Conviction; The Pamphlet War; Final Prosecution; Last Formal Allegations; Repeal and the 1736 Act; Survival of Popular Witch Beliefs
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Post-Repeal IncidentsConclusion; Select Bibliography; Index; Fields, Fens and Felonies; Whores and Highwaymen; A History of Criminal Justice in England and Wales; Back cover
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Previous AllegationsAge and Marital Status; Character and Social Status; A Witch's Career; Introduction; Familiars; Alternative Forms of Enchantment; Living With the Witch; Introduction; The Dangers of Prosecution; Appeasing the Witch; Passive Defence; Active Defence; Scratching; Use of Ecclesiastical Courts; Vagabond Actions; The Witchcraft Statutes; Introduction; The 1542 Act; The 1563 Act; Elizabethan Prosecutions: A County Profile; The 1604 Statute; Jacobean Prosecutions: A County Profile; Entering the Criminal Justice System; Introduction; Triggering Event; Supporting Allegations
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Taking ActionPre-Examination Questioning; Justices of the Peace and the Witch-Hunting Process; The JPs' Examination; The Role of Confessions; Deep Interrogation; Growing Caution About Confessions; The Decision to Prosecute; Bail; Ancillary Orders; Choice of Forum; Pre-Trial Detention; Specialist Tests for Witchcraft; Introduction; Reciting Scripture; Scratching; The Witch's Teat; Pricking and the Witch's Mark; Natural Blemishes; Swimming; Trial and Punishment; Introduction; The Grand Jury Hearing; Arraignment; The Trial; The Evidence Adduced at Trial; The Witnesses; Expert Evidence
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As the author notes, 'The early-modern European witch-hunts were neither orchestrated massacres nor spontaneous pogroms. Alleged witches were not rounded up at night and summarily killed extra-judicially or lynched as the victims of mob justice. They were executed after trial and conviction with full legal process'.
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Crimen Exceptum : The English Witch Prosecution in Context.