Properties of gases. -- The first law of thermodynamics. -- The second law of thermodynamics. -- Solutions. -- Chemical equilibrium. -- Electrochemistry. -- Acids and bases. -- Chemical kinetics. -- Enzyme kinetics. -- Quantum mechanics and atomic structure. -- The chemical bond. -- Intermolecular forces. -- Spectroscopy. -- Photochemistry and photobiology. -- Macromolecules. -- Appendix 1: Review of mathematics. -- Appendix 2: Thermodynamic data.
Text of Note
"Chang's newest text is intended for use in a one-semester introductory course in physical chemistry for students of the biosciences. The author emphasizes the understanding of physical concepts rather than focussing on precise mathematical development or on actual experimental details. Only basic skills of differential and integral calculus are required to understand the equations. The extensive array of end of chapter problems have both physicochemical and biological applications, and a detailed Solutions Manual is available."--Jacket.