Create Golang production applications using network libraries, concurrency, and advanced Go data structures.
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Birmingham :
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Packt Publishing,
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1 online resource (598 pages)
Text of Note
Implementing a binary tree in Go.
Text of Note
Cover; Title Page; Copyright and Credits; Packt Upsell; Contributors; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Go and the Operating System; The structure of the book; The history of Go; Why learn Go?; Go advantages; Is Go perfect?; What is a preprocessor?; The godoc utility; Compiling Go code; Executing Go code; Two Go rules; You either use a Go package or do not include it; There is only one way to format curly braces; Downloading Go packages; Unix stdin, stdout, and stderr; About printing output; Using standard output; Getting user input; About := and =; Reading from standard input.
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Calling C code from Go using the same fileCalling C code from Go using separate files; The C code; The Go code; Mixing Go and C code; Calling Go functions from C code; The Go package; The C code; The defer keyword; Panic and Recover; Using the panic function on its own; Two handy Unix utilities; The strace tool; The dtrace tool; Your Go environment; The Go Assembler; Node Trees; Learning more about go build; General Go coding advices; Additional Resources; Exercises; Summary; Chapter 3: Working with Basic Go Data Types; Go loops; The for loop; The while loop; The range keyword.
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Chapter 4: The Uses of Composite TypesAbout composite types; Structures; Pointers to structures; Using the new keyword; Tuples; Regular expressions and pattern matching; Now for some theory; A simple example; A more advanced example; Matching IPv4 addresses; Strings; What is a rune?; The Unicode package; The strings package; The switch statement; Calculating Pi with great accuracy; Developing a key/value store in Go; Additional resources; Exercises; Summary; Chapter 5: Enhancing Go Code with Data Structures; About graphs and nodes; Algorithm complexity; Binary trees in Go.
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Examples of Go for loopsGo arrays; Multi-dimensional arrays; The shortcomings of Go arrays; Go slices; Performing basic operations on slices; Slices are being expanded automatically; Byte slices; The copy() function; Multidimensional slices; Another example of slices; Sorting slices using sort.slice(); Go maps; Storing to a nil map; When you should use a map?; Go constants; The constant generator iota; Go pointers; Dealing with times and dates; Working with times; Parsing times; Working with dates; Parsing dates; Changing date and time formats; Additional resources; Exercises; Summary.
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Working with command-line argumentsAbout error output; Writing to log files; Logging levels; Logging facilities; Log servers; A Go program that sends information to log files; About log. Fatal(); About log. Panic(); Error handling in Go; The error data type; Error handling; Additional resources; Exercises; Summary; Chapter 2: Understanding Go Internals; The Go compiler; Garbage Collection; The Tricolor algorithm; More about the operation of the Go Garbage Collector; Unsafe code; About the unsafe package; Another example of the unsafe package; Calling C code from Go.
Text of Note
This book not only goes into great depth on Go features usually taken for granted, but also explains how to use an improved understanding of Go internals to optimize Go code, use all Go data types and data structures in new and unexpected ways, and understand how to write Go systems projects, do OS-level coding and build Go network applications.
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Mastering Go : Create Golang production applications using network libraries, concurrency, and advanced Go data structures.