Cover; Title Page; Copyright and Credits; Packt Upsell; Contributors; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Malware from Fun to Profit; 1. The malware story; 1.1 Malware in the womb; 1.2 The birth of malware; 1.3 Malware started crawling; 1.4 Malware started playing; 1.5 Malware started earning; 2. Windows operating system basics; 2.1 File format; 2.2 Windows executable made simple; 2.3 Windows virtual memory made simple; 2.4 Windows DLL made simple; 2.4.1 How does an API call happen?; 2.5 API hooking made simple; 3. Malware components; 3.1 Payload.
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2.1 How does ScreenLocker ransomware work on Windows OS?2.2 Different kinds of messages from the ScreenLocker; 2.3 Analyzing a ScreenLocker ransomware; 2.4 Prevention and removal techniques; 3. Browser locker; 3.1 How does a browser locker use JavaScript to act as ransomware?; 3.2 Prevention and removal techniques; 4. Crypto ransomware; 4.1 How does crypto ransomware work?; 4.2 Overview of cryptography; 4.2.1 Symmetric key; 4.2.2 Asymmetric key; 4.3 How does ransomware use cryptography?; 4.4 Analyzing crypto ransomware; 4.5 Prevention and removal techniques for crypto ransomware.
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2.6 Sandbox as a malware analysis tool2.7 Ransomware behavior; 3. Summary; Chapter 3: Ransomware Distribution; 1. Attacks through emails; 2. Microsoft Word macros; 3. Web attacks; 3.1 Exploit kits; 3.1.1 BlackHole exploit kit; 3.1.2 Nuclear exploit kit; 3.1.3 Neutrino Exploit kit; 3.1.4 Analyzing landing pages; 4. Lateral movement; 5. Botnets and downloaders; 6. Summary; Chapter 4: Ransomware Techniques for Hijacking the System; 1. Scareware and rogue security software; 1.1 List of popular FakeAntivirus; 1.2 Prevention and removal techniques; 2. ScreenLocker ransomware.
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3.2 Obfuscator/packer -- a wolf in sheep's clothing3.3 Malware persistence; 3.3.1 Startup folders; 3.3.2 Run entries; 3.3.3 Windows services; 3.3.4 Files executed at Windows start; 3.4 Stealth -- a game of hide-and-seek; 3.4.1 File properties -- an old-school trick; 3.4.2 Injecting code into a legitimate process; 3.4.3 Rootkits; 3.4.4 Fileless malware; 3.5 Armoring; 3.6 Command and control server; 4. Types of malware; 4.1 Backdoor; 4.2 Downloader; 4.3 Virus or file infector; 4.4 Worm; 4.5 Botnet; 4.6 Keylogger and password stealer; 4.7 Banking malware; 4.8 POS malware; 4.9 Hacktool; 4.10 RAT.
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4.11 Exploit5. How does antivirus name malware?; 6. Summary; Chapter 2: Malware Analysis Fundamentals; 1. Static analysis; 1.1 File type; 1.2 Static properties of an .exe file; 1.3 Disadvantages of static analysis; 2. Dynamic or behavior analysis; 2.1 File and registry monitoring; 2.2 Autorun tools; 2.3 Network monitoring tools; 2.4 API logger; 2.5 Process inspection; 2.5.1 URLs and IP addresses of command and control servers; 2.5.2 Armoring related strings; 2.5.3 Registry changes; 2.5.4 Strings related to a stealer; 2.5.5 Strings related to banking malware.
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Ransomware is the most critical threat and its intensity has grown exponentially in recent times. This book provides comprehensive, up-to-the-minute details about different kinds of ransomware attack as well some notable ones from the past. It also talks about different aspects of cyber security that can help you prevent ransomware attacks.
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Preventing Ransomware : Understand, prevent, and remediate ransomware attacks.