Part I. Rule of law: applications and exemptions -- Moral reasoning and the death penalty / Claire Finkelstein -- Philosophy, prostitution, and policy / Robert K. Fullinwider -- Bulk collection, intrusion, and domination / Tom Sorell -- A public reason approach to religious exemption / Chad Van Schoelandt -- Part II. Topics on public policies and public goods -- Acceptable risk of extinction in the context of endangered species policy / John A. Vucetich and Michael Paul Nelson -- Public goods and education / Jonathan Anomaly -- Ethical issues in academic/industrial collaborations / David B. Resnik -- "Pervasive" biomedical technologies: implications for ethics and policymaking / Roberta M. Berry -- Part III. Public policies shaping public and private identities -- Immigration in philosophy and in policy / Michael Blake -- Toward an ethics of political apology / Andrew I. Cohen -- Parenting, philosophy, public policy, and a puzzle: "good enough" parents, sure, but why the requirement that parents be two people in love? / Samantha Brennan -- Disability, identity justice, and the politics of nondiscrimination / Anita Silvers and Leslie P. Francis.
Text of Note
Public policy debates often turn on how to get things done once we know our policy objectives. But how do we make appropriate progress when people disagree about what those objectives might be? In this volume, a team of world-renowned scholars introduce and explore the power of philosophy as a tool for understanding public policy controversies. Each chapter uses the tools and concepts of philosophy to frame an assessment of what is at stake in an enduring and recent policy debate. Organised thematically, the volume addresses issues such as disability policies, parenting, immigration, political apologies, criminal punishment, data gathering, and more. Drawing on the resources of ethical theory, social philosophy, and political theory in a highly accessible way, the book is ideal for students and scholars in both philosophy and public policy.