continuity and change in Germany from the Wilhelmine Empire to national socialism /
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by Lara Day and Oliver Haag.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
New York :
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Berghahn Books,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
1 online resource (vi, 265 pages)
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Categories: continuous, heterogeneous narratives -- The 'origin of the Germans' -- narratives, academic research, and bad cognitive practice / Ulrich Charpa -- Fantasies of mixture -- politics of purity: narratives of miscegenation in colonial literature, literary primitivism, and theories of race (1900-1933) / Eva Blome -- Blute und Zerfall: 'schematic narrative templates' of decline and fall in volkisch and national socialist racial ideology / Helen Roche -- Germany and internal otherness / Ernst Lissauer -- Advocating deutschtum against cultural narratives of race / Arne Offermanns -- The Jewish CEO and the Lutheran bishop: the impact of German colonial studies on young Jewish and Christian academics' cultural narratives of race / Lukas Bormann -- Germany and transnational otherness -- Race and ethnicity in German criminology: on crime rates and the Polish population in the Kaiserreich (1871-1914) / Volker Zimmermann -- Narratives of race, constructions of community and the demand for female participation in German-nationalist movements in Austria and the German Reich / Johanna Gehmacher -- In the crosshairs of degeneracy and race: the Wilhelmine origins of the construction of a national aesthetic and parameters of normalcy in Weimar Germany / Lara Day -- Germany and colonial otherness -- "The white goddess of the masses:" stardom, whiteness and racial masquerade in Weimar popular culture / Pablo Dominguez Andersen -- Idealized Australian aboriginality in German narratives of race / Oliver Haag.