Front Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Foreword by Lance Storm; Introduction; 1. Vince McMahon; 2. Hulk Hogan; 3. The First WrestleMania; 4. Steve Austin vs Vince McMahon; 5. The Rock; 6. Attend a WrestleMania; 7. Bruno Sammartino; 8. Vince McMahon Sr; 9. Nitro Debuts Against RAW; 10. Stone Cold Steve Austin; 11. John Cena; 12. Macho Man Randy Savage; 13. Subscribe to the WWE Network; 14. Andre the Giant; 15. The Undertaker; 16. Triple H; 17. Bret "The Hitman" Hart; 18. Shawn Michaels; 19. The Montreal Screwjob; 20. The Birth of Hulkamania; 21. The Monday Night Wars
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22. The Death of Owen Hart23. Chris Benoit; 24. WrestleMania III; 25. The Birth of Monday Night RAW; 26. Superstar Billy Graham; 27. Brock Lesnar; 28. Attend a RAW or SmackDown Taping; 29. Attend a Local House Show; 30. WWE Signs a 2.3 Billion Television Deal; 31. WWF Becomes WWE; 32. WWF Goes Public; 33. The Steroid Trial; 34. The Creation of the WWWF Title; 35. Bob Backlund; 36. Bobby "The Brain" Heenan; 37. Eric Bischoff; 38. Captain Lou Albano; 39. Watch the First and Last Nitro; 40. Chris Jericho; 41. Daniel Bryan; 42. Eddie Guerrero; 43. Roman Reigns; 44. The WCW Invasion
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45. The WWE Wellness Policy46. CM Punk; 47. Batista; 48. Degeneration X; 49. Brian Pillman; 50. Watch Every WrestleMania; 51. Jim Ross; 52. Jerry "The King" Lawler; 53. Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka; 54. Shane and Stephanie McMahon; 55. Watch Hitman Hart: Wrestling with Shadows; 56. Kurt Angle; 57. Mean Gene Okerlund; 58. Mick Foley; 59. NXT; 60. Paul Heyman; 61. Read Hitman; 62. Attend an NXT TakeOver Event; 63. Rey Mysterio Jr; 64. Ric Flair; 65. Ronda Rousey; 66. Rowdy Roddy Piper; 67. Watch Beyond the Mat; 68. Edge and Christian; 69. Goldberg; 70. AJ Styles; 71. Sit in the Front Row; 72. Chyna
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73. Gorilla Monsoon74. Watch Every Royal Rumble; 75. Sometimes Matches Are Scripted, Sometimes They're Not; 76. Randy Orton; 77. Subscribe to the Wrestling Observer Website; 78. Mike Tyson; 79. Sunny and Sable; 80. The Hardy Boyz; 81. Play WWE Video Games; 82. Attend a WWE Hall of Fame Ceremony; 83. Attend a Cauliflower Alley Club Banquet; 84. Donald Trump; 85. Vince Russo; 86. Follow WWE Around the Loop; 87. Watch Every Five-Star WWE Match; 88. WrestleMania VI; 89. Read The Death of WCW; 90. Read Have a Nice Day; 91. Attend WWE Axxess; 92. Wrestling Is Dangerous; 93. WWE Action Figures
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94. WWE Crown Jewel95. WWE Stars Are Independent Contractors; 96. Women Headline WrestleMania 35; 97. The Gimmicks Vince McMahon Would Like You to Forget; 98. Mired in the Mid-card; 99. The Intercontinental Title; 100. There Is Wrestling Outside of WWE; Wrestling Terms You Should Know; Acknowledgments
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"Covering the most charming babyfaces and hateable heels, the high-flyers as well as the hardcore heroes, this comprehensive, authoritative book explores the personalities, events, and facts every WWE fan should know. Dive into pro wrestling history with indispensible information on iconic matches, behind-the-scenes business, unforgettable feuds, and outstanding feats by superstars like Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, John Cena, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, and Bret Hart. Whether you had the privilege of witnessing the glory days of The Rock, or are a more recent fan of Daniel Bryan or Sasha Banks, this is the ultimate guide to what goes on inside and out of the ring. Bestselling author Bryan Alvarez (The Death of WCW) has collected essential knowledge, trivia, and must-do activities and ranks them from 1 to 100, providing an entertaining and easy-to-follow checklist as you progress on your way to fan superstardom"--
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One hundred things WWE fans should know and do before they die