Intro; Title Page; Contents; Introduction; Timeline; Map; Chapter 1: Interpreting the Evidence for Egyptian Warfare; Chapter 2: Fortresses and Siege Warfare; Chapter 3: Images and Narratives of Battle in the New Kingdom; Chapter 4: Why Did Wars Happen and How Were They Experienced?; Chapter 5: Weaponry and Tactics; Chapter 6: Culture, Ethnicity and Mobility of Soldiers and Weapons; Chapter 7: Naval Battles; Chapter 8: Diplomacy and Empire Building in the Bronze Age; Chapter 9: What Can We Really Know about Egyptian Warfare?; Sources; Acknowledgements; Copyright Page
Text of Note
A concise introduction to the military history of Ancient Egypt, from battle tactics to weaponry and more. The excellent preservation of Egyptian artifacts'including bows, axes, and chariots'means that it is possible to track the changing nature of Egyptian military technology from the Neolithic period up to the Iron Age, and identify equipment and ideas adopted from other civilizations of the Eastern Mediterranean and Near East. From the editor of The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt, this informative volume, which includes an index, covers crucial issues such as military strategy, martial ideology, the construction of fortresses, and the waging of siege warfare; as well as the practical questions of life, death, and survival that confront individual soldiers on the battlefield.