"This book is published as a guide to the rules of legal citation set forth in The bluebook : a uniform system of citation, twentieth edition, copyright 2015"--Title page verso.
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Includes indexes.
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Getting started -- Cases -- Statutes -- Constitutions -- Regulations -- Procedural and court rules -- Secondary sources -- Litigation documents and record citations -- Strings, signals and explanatory parentheticals -- Quotations -- Capitalization -- Numbers, numerals, ordinals, and symbols -- Electronic sources -- Appendix. Citing cases from commercial databases.
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"The Bluebook sets forth the rules for legal citation. This survival manual teaches how to understand and master those rules using a simple building-block approach. For each authority, it pulls together rules that are scattered throughout The Bluebook. - in the Bluepages, Whitepages, and Tables. Every essential citation rule is illustrated and fully described using: clear explanations and illustrations of the basic components of legal citations; step-by-step instructions for building citations to the most common authorities cited by legal practitioners; tips, hints, and cautions alerting users to common trouble spots; examples, comparison charts, illustrations, and bullet-point explanations designed for quick mastery of basic Bluebook citation rules; cross-references to the controlling Bluebook rules; and user-friendly format putting every essential rule in one place. This third edition of Understanding and Mastering The Bluebook has been fully revised to incorporate changes introduced in The Bluebook's 20th edition, including renumbering of the Bluepage's Practitioners' Rules, changes to secondary source citations, and other changes large and small. The third edition has all the features of the second edition, plus: additional examples of correct and incorrect citations, all clearly labeled to identity the citation principle illustrated; more background information putting rules in context, helping beginners understand citation fundamentals; a new chapter with in-depth coverage of electronic sources, including commercial databases and the Internet; more warnings to help beginners avoid common citation errors; and improved cross-referencing for quicker access to related rules and discussions. This highly accessible companion to The Bluebook, A Uniform System of Citation is an indispensable tool for anyone who is new to legal citation or whose skills need refreshing"--Unedited summary from book cover.