Plato -- Laches -- Euthyphro -- Apology -- Crito -- Phaedo -- Meno -- Symposium -- Republic (selections) -- Aristotle -- Categories (Chapters 1-5) -- On Interpretation (selections) -- Posterior Analytics (selections) -- Physics (selections) -- On the Soul (selections) -- Metaphysics (selections) -- Nicomachean Ethics (selections) -- Epicurus -- Letter to Menoeceus -- The Principal Doctrines -- Epictetus -- Encheiridion -- Sextus Empiricus -- Outlines of Pyrrhonism (selections) -- Augustine -- On Free Choice of the Will (selections) -- Confessions (Book XI) -- Plotinus -- Enneads (selections) -- Boethius -- Consolation of Philosophy (selections) -- Anselm -- Proslogion -- Gaunilo's Reply on Behalf of the Fool -- Anselm's Reply to Gaunilo -- Moses Maimonides -- The Guide of the Perplexed (selections) -- Thomas Aquinas -- Summa Theologiae (selections) -- Levi Gersonides -- The Wars of the Lord (selections) -- William of Ockham -- Summa Logicae (selections) -- René Descartes -- Discourse on Method -- Meditations on First Philosophy -- Thomas Hobbes -- Leviathan (selections) -- Baruch Spinoza -- Ethics (Parts I, II) -- Gottfried Leibniz -- Discourse on Metaphysics -- Monadology -- John Locke -- An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (selections) -- George Berkeley -- A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge -- Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous -- David Hume -- An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding -- A Treatise of Human Nature (selections) -- Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion -- Immanuel Kant -- Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics -- Critique of Pure Reason (selections) -- Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals -- G.W.F. Hegel -- Phenomenology of Spirit (selections) -- Arthur Schopenhauer -- The World as Will and Representation (selections) -- Søren Kierkegaard -- Concluding Unscientific Postscript (selections) -- John Stuart Mill -- Utilitarianism -- On Liberty (selections) -- Friedrich Nietzsche -- Twilight of the Idols (selections) -- Charles Sanders Peirce -- The Fixation of Belief -- How to Make our Ideas Clear -- William James -- What Pragmatism Means -- The Will to Believe -- Bertrand Russell -- The Problems of Philosophy (Chapters I-V) -- Edmund Husserl -- Paris Lectures (selections) -- Jean-Paul Sartre -- The Humanism of Existentialism -- Ludwig Wittgenstein -- Philosophical Investigations (selections) -- J.L. Austin -- Sense and Sensibilia (Chapters I-III, V).
Text of Note
The 8th edition of Classics of Western Philosophy trumps the 7th edition -- as well as all competing anthologies -- by including Plato's Laches, selections from Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics (on courage), Descartes' Discourse on Method, the remainder of Berkeley's Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, and the whole of Kant's Prolegomena, all in preeminent translations. These additions -- with no offsetting deletions -- yield an anthology of unprecedented versatility, making it the only volume of its kind to offer both Descartes' Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy; Berkeley's A Treatise Concerning Principles of Human Knowledge and Three Dialogues; and Kant's Prolegomena and selections from the Critique of Pure Reason.