Overview of US prostate cancer trends in the era of PSA screening -- Trends in prostate cancer screening: overview of the UK -- Trends in prostate cancer screening: Canada -- Trends in prostate cancer screening: overview of Europe -- Evolution of prostate-specific antigen for screening -- The performance characteristics of prostate-specific antigen for prostate cancer screening -- The performance of PSA for predicting prostate cancer after a prior negative prostate biopsy -- Subfractions and derivatives of total prostate-specific antigen in the early detection of prostate cancer -- PSA velocity at presentation as a predictor of prostate cancer aggressiveness -- Nomograms for prostate cancer -- Decision aid criteria and artificial neural networks for optimizing prostate cancer risk prediction -- Development of the prostate cancer prevention trial prostate cancer risk calculator -- Integration of risk assessment in prostate cancer screening -- Family history of prostate cancer during rapidly increasing incidence -- PSA isoforms: [-2]proPSA significant adjunct to free PSA -- PCA3 -- Transcriptional profiling of prostate cancer: biomarker identification and clinical applications -- Biomarkers for prostate cancer detection: family-based linkage analysis and case-control association studies -- GSTP1 hypermethylation for prostate cancer detection -- EPCA and EPCA-2 as potential biomarkers for prostate cancer detection -- Toward a robust system for biomarker triage and validation: EDRN experience -- Statistical evaluation of markers and risk tools for prostate cancer classification and prediction -- Pitfalls in prostate cancer biomarker evaluation studies -- Prostate-specific antigen and its role on the prostate cancer prevention trial -- The selenium and vitamin E cancer prevention trial -- PLCO: a randomized controlled screening trial for prostate, lung, colorectal, and ovarian cancer -- The European randomized study of screening for prostate cancer (ERSPC).
Text of Note
Incorporates a series of works in prostate cancer screening, ranging from the status quo of prostate cancer screening across the globe to consensus on optimal utilization of the traditional PSA and DRE tests, to research in various biomarkers, biomeasures, and risk algorithms for prostate cancer. This book covers family-based linkage analysis.