Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Part 1: Getting To Know GIS: -- Introducing GIS -- Introducing ArcGIS -- Part 2: Getting Started With Maps And Data: -- Interacting With Maps: -- Exercise 3a: -- Displaying map data -- Exercise 3b: Navigating a map -- Exercise 3c: Using basic tools -- Exercise 3d: Looking at feature attributes -- Interacting With Data: -- Exercise 4a: Browsing through map data -- Exercise 4b: Adding data to a map -- Exercise 4c: Working with map layers -- Exploring Online Resources: -- Exercise 5a: Creating a web map -- Exercise 5b: Merging online and local layers -- Exercise 5c: Sharing a map package -- Part 3: Displaying And Presenting Data: -- Working With Coordinate Systems And Projections: -- Exercise 6a: Examining coordinate systems -- Exercise 6b: Projecting data -- Exercise 6c: Defining a map projection -- Exercise 6d: Georeferencing a raster -- Symbolizing Features: -- Exercise 7a: Creating custom symbology -- Exercise 7b: Symbolizing features by categorical attributes -- Exercise 7c: Using styles and creating layer files -- Exercise 7d: Symbolizing rasters -- Classifying Features: -- Exercise 8a: Classifying features by standard methods -- Exercise 8b: Mapping density -- Exercise 8c: Using graduated and chart symbols -- Labeling Features: -- Exercise 9a: Using dynamic labels -- Exercise 9b: Setting rules for label placement -- Exercise 9c: Creating graphic labels -- Exercise 9d: Converting dynamic labels to annotation -- Making Maps For Presentation: -- Exercise 10a: Creating a layout -- Exercise 10b: Adding titles and additional text -- Exercise 10c: Adding standard map elements -- Exercise 10d: Adding final touches and setting print options -- Part 4: Creating And Editing Data: -- Building Geodatabases: -- Exercise 11a: Creating a geodatabase -- Exercise 11b: Creating feature classes -- Creating Features: -- Exercise 12a: Drawing features -- Exercise 12b: Using more construction tools -- Editing Features: -- Exercise 13a: Deleting and modifying features -- Exercise 13b: Splitting and merging features -- Exercise 13c: Editing feature attribute values -- Geocoding Addresses: -- Exercise 14a: Creating an address locator -- Exercise 14b: Matching addresses -- Exercise 14c: Re-matching addresses -- Part 5: Getting Information About Features: -- Querying Data: -- Exercise 15a: Selecting and finding features -- Exercise 15b: Using attribute queries -- Exercise 15 c: Creating reports -- Selecting Features By Location: -- Exercise 16a: Using location queries -- Exercise 16b: Combining attribute and location queries -- Joining And Relating Data: -- Exercise 17a: Joining data by attribute -- Exercise 17b: Relating data -- Exercise 17c: Joining data by location -- Part 6: Analyzing Geospatial Data: -- Preparing Data For Analysis: -- Exercise 18a: Dissolving features -- Exercise 18b: Clipping layers -- Exercise 18c: Creating a data subset -- Exercise 18d: Running tools in a model -- Geoprocessing Vector Data: -- Exercise 19a: Buffering features -- Exercise 19b: Overlaying data -- Exercise 19c: Calculating attribute values -- Exercise 19d: Creating graphs -- Using Spatial Analyst: -- Exercise 20a: Creating raster surfaces -- Exercise 20b: Combining raster surfaces -- Appendix A: ArcGIS Pro: a first look -- Appendix B: Data source credits -- Appendix C: Data license agreement -- Glossary -- Index.
Text of Note
"Getting to Know ArcGIS, fourth edition, is a comprehensive introduction to the features and tools of ArcGIS for Desktop. Through hands-on exercises, readers will discover, use, make, and share maps with meaningful content. The fourth edition includes new exercises on map sharing and geo-referencing, new datasets and scenarios, and an introduction to ArcGIS Pro, a powerful new part of ArcGIS for Desktop. Getting to Know ArcGIS is suited for classroom use, independent study, and as a reference."--