Going in. My epiphany: how community changed my life -- Gentle self-awareness: How are you showing up? -- Intention: Write in down and dig deep -- Energy: set the temperature, why FYFs are friend magnets, and how to release your natural D.O.S.E. -- Going out. Where to find your people: the four stages of community -- The CRAWL method: How to build your dream community from scratch -- Nurture your community: ten foolproof ways to keep them coming back for more -- Reframe and embrace conflict: life languages, the friendship cycle, avoiding FOBLO, and eradicating gossip -- Belonging and aging: live it up as a master citizen -- The future of belonging: What happens next?
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How is it that the internet connects us to a world of people, yet so many of us feel more isolated than ever? That we have hundreds, even thousands of friends on social media, but not a single person to truly confide in? Radha Agrawal calls this "community confusion," and in Belong she offers every reader a blueprint to find their people and build and nurture community, because connectedness--as more and more studies show--is our key to happiness, fulfillment, and success. A book that's equal parts inspiring and interactive, and packed with prompts, charts, quizzes, and full-color illustrations, Belong takes readers on a two-part journey. Part one is Going IN--a gentle but intentional process of self-discovery and finding out your true energy levels and VIA (values, interests, and abilities). Part two is Going OUT--building on all that you've learned about yourself to find those few special people who feed your soul, and discovering, or creating, the ever-widening groups that align with your aims and desires.