Heteronuclear Correlation SSNMR Spectroscopy with Indirect Detection under Fast Magic-Angle Spinning; High-resolution 1H 2D MAS techniques for organic solids; Isotropic vs. anisotropic chemical shift separation; Two-dimensional methods for half-integer quadrupolar nuclei; 14N Solid-State NMR; CODEX-based Methods for Studying Slow Dynamics; NMR Studies of Ionic Dynamics in Solids; Low-Temperature NMR: Techniques and Applications; NMR at High Temperature; Isotopically Enriched Systems; NMR Studies of Electrochemical Storage Materials; Disordered Solids; Characterization of Liquid-Crystalline Materials by Separated Local Field Methods
Text of Note
The volume focuses on topics relevant to the developing field of "NMR crystallography", that is the use of solids NMR as a complement to diffraction crystallography, and will be of interest to every solid-state NMR researcher working in the chemical sciences.