Includes bibliographical references (pages 181-206) and index.
Text of Note
What is evil? -- Problems of evil -- Free-will and soul-making theodicies -- A global theodicy of fulfillment -- Anti-theodicy, misotheism, and theodicy of protest -- The problem of divine hiddenness -- Evil, atheism, and the problem of good -- Evil and suffering in Hinduism and Buddhism -- Eternal goods and the triumph over evil.
Text of Note
Evil: A Guide for the Perplexed is a lively examination of the philosophical and theological problems raised by the existence of widespread evil. It explores classic debates around this problem and also engages with more recent ones, from new challenges posed by scientific advances in evolutionary theory, neuroscience, and cosmology, to concerns of climate change and environmental degradation, to questions raised by increasing religious and secular violence. This second edition also contains new chapters and topics such as Jewish, Christian, and Islamic responses to evil and skeptical theism. The result is an even-handed guide to both traditional and contemporary issues raised by the reality and ubiquity of evil. -- Provided by publisher