What in blue blazes does it man to speak Southern?: dialects cover the region like Grandma's patchwork quilt -- Y'all ought'n go out in that frog strangler: crazy contractions and made-up words -- Holla out the screen door and tell Bubba to come on in: Southern nicknames and such -- Much obliged, Ma'am. I reckon I'll have a Co-Cola: kitchens and pie safes filled with love -- Words of wisdom spoken by Southerners: phrases and sayin's from every whichaway -- Land sakes! What in tarnation?: the emotional Southerner speaks his dadblame mind -- How you getting along?: fair to middlin' greetin's and salutations -- We'll be there directly 'cause over yonder is a fur piece: weights, measures, comparisons, and down South distances -- Noah's Ark ain't got nothin' on Southerners: animals get in on the act too -- Mind your manners, please and thank you: makin' Mama and Daddy proud as peacocks -- Cities and towns that'll just tickle your gizzard: place names that you just won't believe -- My dear, it's all in dem books, TV shows, movies and music: storytellers who can draw, write, sing, and make us laugh.
Text of Note
Southerners have a way with words! Who needs simple and direct when you can color every conversation with Southern style. There seems to be a Southern saying for every occasion. Some are inspiring and uplifting while others have that biting tongue-in-cheek humor Southerners adore.