Includes bibliographical references (pages 195-196).
Text of Note
Introduction -- We move, tonight! -- NLA recruit -- The 'Twelve Apostles' -- Building the NLA -- "Barrels of Grease" -- November 1978 challenge and the call to arms -- To kill a lion: NJM's military doctrine -- The overthrow plan -- Postponements -- March 10, 1979: Election ruse -- March 11, 1979: Grenada in labour -- Two-D plan -- We move: Tonight! -- Freedom Hill -- Mobilisation -- Combat order -- To conquer or to die -- The battle -- A people's revolution -- The story of a flag -- The aftermath -- Photographs -- The broader context -- Birth of NJM -- The 1951 revolution and its consequences -- The rise of the dictator -- The development of NJM leadership -- The 1973-1974 revolution -- Learning from defeat -- Afterword -- We revolutionaries plough the sea -- In retrospect -- The making and destruction of the revolution -- Post prison reflections.
Text of Note
"On March 13th 1979 West Indians were stunned as they awoke to the news of the first successful revolution in the English Speaking Caribbean. Four and a half years later the Grenada Revolution succumbed to tragedy and US military invasion. This book is the first to give the inside story of how the Grenada Revolution was made. It chronicles the thinking, internal debates, concrete plans and actions of the Grenadian revolutionaries as they both responded to events unfolding in the 1970's and sought to shape them. Events are narrated from personal experience by the author who, as a 20 year old, took part in the assault on the army barracks which set in motion the Grenada Revolution. Following the US-led invasion he was imprisoned for 26 years during which time he wrote this book. The author is the holder of Law degrees from London University and a graduate of Hugh Wooding Law School."--Back cover.