Intro; Table of Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1: Introduction to Computer Programming and Python; Programming Language Overview; Python Overview; How Does Python Differ from Other Programming Languages?; The Benefits of Python; Examples of Python in the Wild; Your First Python Program; Installing Python; Installing Python on Windows; Installing Python on Other Operating Systems; In This Episode!; Chapter 2: It All Adds Up; Operator Precedence; Data Types: Know Your Enemy; Converting Number Data Types; What Are Variables?
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Chapter 7: Saving Time with Functions, Modules, and Built-insDefining Modules; Built-ins; Packages; Creating Your Own Module; Common Built-in Functions; String Functions; Number Functions; Practice Your New Functions; String Function Examples; Number Function Examples; In This Episode!; Chapter 8: Using Classes and Objects; What Is OOP?; What Are Classes (And Will I Be Graded?); What Are Objects; Creating Our First Class; Creating Our First Object; Improving the Super Hero Generator 3000!; Inheritance, Subclasses, and More!; Adding the Bells and Whistles
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Nesting -- Not Just for the BirdsIn This Episode!; Chapter 5: Loops and Logic; What Are Loops?; Limiting Loops; For Loops; More Fun with For Loops; Break, Continue, and Pass Statements; In This Episode!; Chapter 6: Using What We've Learned; Creating Your First Real Program; Importing Modules; Creating Our Variables; Defining Our Lists; Introductory Text and Accepting Input from the User; Creating Suspense!; Randomizing Super Hero Names; A Quick Check-in; Randomizing the Super Powers; Finishing Our Program; The superHeroGenerator3000 Code -- Completed!
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Super Hero Generator 3000In This Episode!; Chapter 3: String Things Along; Leave Your Comments at the Door; Block Commenting; Inline Commenting; Other Uses for Commenting; Texting -- Without Your Phone; Working with Strings and Variables; Longer Strings; Strings on Multiple Lines; Formatting Strings; Introducing a New Weapon to Your Arsenal: Lists; Changing Lists; Other List Methods; In This Episode!; Chapter 4: Making Decisions; Making Decisions; Conditional Statements; Behold -- The If Statement!; Boolean Logic and Comparison Operators; Else Statements; Else If Statements; Logical Operators
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The New and Improved Super Hero Generator 3000 Code!In This Episode!; Chapter 9: Introducing Other Data Structures; More Data Structures; What Are Tuples?; The Tuple Functions; More Fun with Tuples; Tuple Examples; Working with Dictionaries; Dictionary Methods; More Fun with Dictionaries; Other Dictionary Methods; Example Dictionary Code; In This Episode!; Chapter 10: Python Files; Working with Files in Python; File Types; Creating a Text File in Python Code; Reading Files in Python; Using readline() and readlines(); A Warning About Reading and Writing to Files; Appending to Files
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Discover everything you need to learn Python programming, with fun examples along the way. This book gives you ideas for how to turn your love of programming into a job you'll love. Start with the basics and before you know it, you'll be building your own web sites, doing white-hat hacking, finding code bugs and errors, and creating games, including using Python to roll characters for RPGs. Every chapter is relaxed and informal, like learning with a cool teacher all the time. Computers, phones and the web are your playground, and you'll be ready to join the party with your own content. Going beyond posts and uploads means learning to program, and Python is a great choice to get started. It's quick to learn, it's flexible, and if you want, it may get you a Python job that pays more than minimum wage when you're out of school. Python for Teenagers is the most fun you'll have while learning.