Intro; Table of Contents; About the Authors; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Foreword by David Ortinau; Introduction; Chapter 1: Fundamentals; Custom Renderers; Built-in Renderers; Implementing a Custom Renderer; Effects; Effects Versus Custom Renderers; Implementing an Effect; MessagingCenter; How MessagingCenter Works; Using MessagingCenter; DependencyService; Using the DependencyService; DependencyFetchTarget; Behaviors; Xamarin. Forms Behaviors; Attached Behaviors; Summary; Chapter 2: User Interface; Exploring the Layout Options; Using the Right Layout Controls; StackLayout
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Adding a PanGestureRecognizerSummary; Chapter 3: Working with Data; Getting Data Onto the Screen; Data Binding Basics; Data Bindings in Xamarin. Forms; Different Binding Modes; Overriding the Default Binding Mode; Notifying the App of Data Changes; Implementing INotifyPropertyChanged Using Fody; Working with Collections; Converting Data Bound Values; Using ValueConverters to Tackle Complex Scenarios; Getting to Know the ListView; Understanding the Basics; Using the Built-In Cell Types; Defining Separators and Row Height; Adding Headers and Footers; Selecting Items and Handling Tap Events
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Adding a Pull-to-RefreshUsing a Context Action to Act on a List Item; Adding a Jump List for Easy Navigation; Using Data Templates; Creating a Data Template; Create an Inline Data Template; Create a Data Template in a Resource Dictionary; Create a Custom Cell Type to Use in the Data Template; Dynamically Selecting a Data Template; Caching Data Using the ListView; Summary; Chapter 4: Network and Security; Connecting with REST APIs; The Old-Fashioned Way; HTTP Requests with Refit; Other Libraries; Connectivity; Caching; Akavache; Monkey Cache; Network Resilience; Retry Policy; Timeout
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Combining AnimationsWorking with Easing; Working with Custom Animations; Creating an Animation; Cancelling an Animation; Using Child Animations; Creating a Custom Animation Extension Method; Using Custom Fonts; Adding a Custom Font in iOS; Adding a Custom Font in Android; Finding the PostScript Name of the Font; Tying It All Together in Shared Code; Creating Reusable Controls; Introducing a Simple Use Case; Creating a Custom Control; Creating a Bindable Property; Using a Custom Control; Exploring Gestures; Adding a TapGestureRecognizer; Adding a PinchGestureRecognizer
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RelativeLayoutAbsoluteLayout; Grid; ScrollView; Determining the Right Alignment and Expansion; Alignment; Expansion; Margin and Padding; Specifying Thickness Values; Introducing the FlexLayout; Direction; Wrap; JustifyContent; AlignItems; AlignContent; AlignSelf; Order; Basis; Grow; Shrink; Changing Our UI Based on Data; Property Triggers; Data Triggers; Event Triggers; Multi Triggers; Using Triggers with Style; Using EnterActions and ExitActions; Working with Animations; Adding Simple Animations; Translation; Scaling; Rotation; Fading; Working with Anchors; Cancelling an Animation
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Use the solutions provided in this book to handle common challenges in Xamarin. Forms that are encountered on a daily basis. Working examples and techniques are presented that you can modify and drop directly into your own projects. You will be able to deliver working code faster than ever. Examples are made available through GitHub, maximizing the convenience and value this book provides to Xamarin. Forms developers. Solutions in the book are organized broadly into problem domains such as user interface for applications, data and security, connectivity and external services, and more. Within each domain the book presents specific solutions addressing challenges that are commonly faced. Under data and security, for example, you'll find specific solutions around storing login credentials, local data caching, and sending authorization tokens in HTTP requests. Not only do the solutions in the book solve specific problems, they also present best practices that can inform and improve the quality of the code that you write. Xamarin. Forms Solutions is chock full of practical advice and code examples that no Xamarin. Forms programmer will want to be without. The basics of Xamarin. Forms are provided for beginning developers. What You'll Learn: Know the in-depth basics of Xamarin. Forms and the inner workings Create custom renderers and dependency services Manage the appearance of user interfaces through styling and theming, layout options, rotation, and animation Build sophisticated user interfaces using a variety of controls that allow for PDF viewing, barcode interpretation, searching and finding, and other controls Secure your applications, and communicate securely with services via HTTP requests Sign and deploy your apps and optimize the binary file size.