Intro; Table of Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1: Spring Boot-Introduction; 1-1 Create a Spring Boot Application Using Maven; Problem; Solution; How It Works; Create the pom.xml; Create the Application Class; Simplify the Application Class; 1-2 Create a Spring Boot Application Using Gradle; Problem; Solution; How It Works; Create the build.gradle; Create the Application Class; 1-3 Create a Spring Boot Application Using Spring Initializr; Problem; Solution; How It Works; Implement a Simple Application; Building the JAR
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1-4 SummaryChapter 2: Spring Boot-Basics; 2-1 Configure a Bean; Problem; Solution; How It Works; Using @Component; Using @Bean Method; 2-2 Externalize Properties; Problem; Solution; How It Works; Override Using an External; Override Properties Using Profiles; Override Properties Using Command Line Arguments; Load Properties from Different Configuration File; 2-3 Testing; Problem; Solution; How It Works; Writing a Unit Test; Mocking Dependencies in a Unit Test; Integration Testing with Spring Boot; Integration Testing with Spring Boot and Mocks; 2-4 Configure Logging
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3-4 Handling ExceptionsProblem; Solution; How It Works; Adding Attributes to the Model; 3-5 Internationalizing Your Application; Problem; Solution; How It Works; 3-6 Resolving User Locales; Problem; Solution; How It Works; Resolving Locales by an HTTP Request Header; Resolving Locales by a Session Attribute; Resolving Locales by a Cookie; Using a Fixed Locale; Changing a User's Locale; 3-7 Selecting and Configuring the Embedded Server; Problem; Solution; How It Works; General Configuration Properties; Changing the Runtime Container; 3-8 Configuring SSL for the Servlet Container; Problem
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ProblemSolution; How It Works; Configure Logging; Logging to File; Using Your Preferred Logging Provider; 2-5 Reusing Existing Configuration; Problem; Solution; How It Works; Reusing Existing XML Configuration; Reusing Existing Java Configuration; Chapter 3: Spring MVC; 3-1 Getting Started with Spring MVC; Problem; Solution; How It Works; Testing; 3-2 Exposing REST Resources with Spring MVC; Problem; Solution; How It Works; Testing a @RestController; 3-3 Using Thymeleaf with Spring Boot; Problem; Solution; How It Works; Adding an Index Page; Adding a Controller and View; Adding a Details Page
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SolutionHow It Works; Creating a Self-Signed Certificate; Configure Spring Boot to Use the Keystore; Support Both HTTP and HTTPS; Redirect HTTP to HTTPS; Chapter 4: Spring MVC -- Async; 4-1 Asynchronous Request Handling with Controllers and TaskExecutor; Problem; Solution; How It Works; Writing an Asynchronous Controller; Use a Callable; Use a CompletableFuture; Testing Async Controllers; Configuring Async Processing; 4-2 Response Writers; Problem; Solution; How It Works; Send Multiple Results in a Response; Sending Multiple Results as Events; 4-3 WebSockets; Problem; Solution; How It Works
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Solve all your Spring Boot 2 problems using complete and real-world code examples. When you start a new project, you'll be able to copy the code and configuration files from this book, and then modify them for your needs. This can save you a great deal of work over creating a project from scratch. Using a problem-solution approach, Spring Boot 2 Recipes quickly introduces you to Pivotal's Spring Boot 2 micro-framework, then dives into code snippets on how to apply and integrate Spring Boot 2 with the Spring MVC web framework, Spring Web Sockets, and microservices. You'll also get solutions to common problems with persistence, integrating Spring Boot with batch processing, algorithmic programming via Spring Batch, and much more. Other recipes cover topics such as using and integrating Boot with Spring's enterprise services, Spring Integration, testing, monitoring and more. You will: Get reusable code recipes and snippets for the Spring Boot 2 micro-framework Discover how Spring Boot 2 integrates with other Spring APIs, tools, and frameworks Access Spring MVC and the new Spring Web Sockets for simpler web development Work with microservices for web services development and integration with your Spring Boot applications Add persistence and a data tier seamlessly to make your Spring Boot web application do more Integrate enterprise services to create a more complex Java application using Spring Boot.