learn to build single page applications in Vue from scratch /
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Brett Nelson.
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Text of Note
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Intro; Table of Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Chapter 1: Why Vue.js?; The Value of Vue.js; Our First Vue.js Instance; Developer Tools; Browser Dev Tools; Browsersync; Summary; Chapter 2: The Basics; Vue Options; El; Template; Render; Data; Methods; Computed Properties; Template Binding; Summary; Chapter 3: Conditional Rendering; v-show; v-if v-else v-else-if; v-if; v-else; v-else-if; Lists; Basics; Accessing Object Properties; Index and Parent Properties; Dealing with Change; Objects; Summary; Chapter 4: Computer Properties and Watchers; Computed Properties.
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Chapter 7: State ManagementSimple Data Objects; DIY Data Store; Vuex; Install; CDN or Self Hosted; NPM and Yarn; Promise; Options; State; Getters; Mutations; Actions; Modules; Basics; Accessing RootState; Namespace; Summary; Chapter 8: Using Components; What Is a Component?; First Component; Using Data; Passing Data with Props; Events; Slots; Registration; Summary; Chapter 9: Reusable Code; Mixins; Creating Mixins; Using Mixins; Using Multiple Mixins; Custom Directives; Creating a Directive; Using the Directive; Passing a Value; Passing an Object as a Value; Using Modifiers; Render Function.
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Render versus TemplatecreateElement; Parameter One; Parameter Two; Parameter Three; Summary; Chapter 10: Custom Functionality; Plugins; Creating a Plugin; Using a Plugin; Using Options; Registering a Global Mixin with a Plugin; Registering Global Components with a Plugin; Filters; Creating and Using a Filter; Creating a Global Filter; Chaining Filters; Arguments; Summary; Chapter 11: Tooling; Single File Components; SFC Structure; Syntax Highlighting; Command-Line Interface; Prerequisites; Installing Vue CLI; Vue Create; Vue Serve; Project Structure; Project Root; The src Folder; App.vue.
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Title.vueRebuild and Serve; Vue Build; The CLI User Interface; Summary; Chapter 12: Using Routers; DIY Router; Setting Up the DIY Router; Vue-Router; Setting Up Vue-Router; Passing Parameters; Route Parameters; Passing Parameter Objects; Navigating from JavaScript; Redirects; Aliases; The Page.js Router; Summary; Index.
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WatchersNew and Old Values; Deep; Immediate; Summary; Chapter 5: Events; Listeners; Handlers; Methods; Inline Method; Modifiers; Using a Modifier; Chain Modifiers; Input; Summary; Chapter 6: Bindings; Forms; v-model; Inputs; Text; Number; Date; Password; Check Boxes; Groups of Check Boxes; Radio Buttons; Preset Radio Buttons; Radio Buttons: Dynamic Options; File; Hidden; Textarea Elements; Select; Multiple Selects; Modifiers; Lazy; Number; Trim; Styling; Inline Styles; Style Objects; Classes; One Class; Multiple Classes; Multiple Classes with Arrays; Computed Classes; Summary.
Text of Note
Learn how to render lists of items without repeating your code structure and how to work with conditional rendering items and event handling. Containing all you need to know to get started with Vue.js, this book will take you through using build tools (transpile to ES5), creating custom components, state management, and routers. With Getting to Know Vue.js, you'll see how to combine reusable code with custom components, allowing you to create snippets of reusable code to suit your specific business needs. You'll also explore how to use Single File Components and the Vue.js Command Line Interface (CLI) to build components in a single file and add in build tools as you see fit. Getting started with a new Single Page Application (SPA) JavaScript framework can be an overwhelming task, but Vue.js makes this daunting task simple and easy to learn, allowing you to start implementing business needs with just a script reference to the library and the custom JavaScript required for your use case. Starting with a little reference and a handful of lines of custom JavaScript, you will have a complete Single Page Application before you know it.