Part I: The preliminaries. From research topic to research question ; From research question to theory to hypothesis -- Part II: The practicalities. Doing pre-research ; Choosing a design that fits your question ; Case selection and study design for qualitative research ; Qualitative data collection and management ; Quantitative data collection and management ; Preparing quantitative data for analysis ; Writing up you research -- Part III: Post-paper processes. Practicing peer review ; Posters, presentations, and publishing.
Text of Note
This book offers clear, detailed, and often entertaining instructions for formulating hypothesis, doing pre-research, selecting appropriate research designs, selecting cases, collecting and managing both qualitative and quantitative data, preparing data for analysis, writing up research findings, practicing peer review, and delivering findings in posters and presentations, and preparing work for publication. Each chapter contains interesting and useful examples (both hypothetical and real), exercises to help students apply what they've learned, and pedagogical features to inspire, instruct, and aid further research, including "Peer Pointers" (quotes from former students that illustrate "aha!" moments) and "Talking Tips" (fundamental and surprising tip for research).