Editors' introduction -- Part I. New historical perspectives on populism -- Section I. Right-wing populism and the rise of national socialism in Germany -- Peter Fritzsche - The role of "the people" and the rise of the Nazis -- Geoff Eley - Conservatives...radical nationalists...fascists : calling the people into politics, 1890-1930 -- Larry Eugene Jones - Germany's conservative elites and the problem of political mobilization in the Weimar Republic -- Section II. Populism in the Balkans from the late nineteenth century to the present -- Mark Biondich - Nationalism and populism in the Balkans : the case of Croatia -- Nenad Stefanov - The people as a "happening" : constellations of populism in Serbia in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries -- York Norman - Alija Izetbegović's Islamic declaration and populism in Bosnia -- Section III. Transformations of populism in the U.S. in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries -- Gary Marotta - Richard Hofstadter's populist problem and his identity as a Jewish intellectual -- Charles Postel - The American populist and anti-populist legacy -- Ronald Formisano - Populist movements in U.S. history : progressive and reactionary -- Section IV. Populism in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1920-1960 -- Gillian McGillivray and Thomas Rogers - Populism in the circum-Caribbean, 1920s-1950s -- Joel Wolfe - Populist discourses, developmentalist policies : rethinking mid-twentieth century Brazilian politics -- Matthew Karush - Populism as an identity : four propositions on Peronism -- Bridget Chesterton - Performing populism in Paraguay : Febrerismo on stage in the works of Correa and Ruffinelli, 1933-1943 -- Part II. Historical theories of populism -- John Abromeit - Transformations of Producerist populism in Western Europe -- Mark Loeffler - Populists and parasites : on Producerist reason -- Part III. Recent tendencies in populist movements in Latin America, Europe, and the US -- Cas Mudde - Populist radical-right parties in Europe today -- Peter Breiner - Ideologies of economic populism in America and their subversion by the Right -- Carlos de La Torre - The contested meanings of democratic and populist revolutions in Latin America.
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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Machine generated contents note: pt. One New Historical Perspectives on Populism -- Section I Right-Wing Populism and the Rise of National Socialism in Germany -- 1.The Role of "the People" and the Rise of the Nazis / Peter Fritzsche -- 2.Conservatives -- Radical Nationalists -- Fascists: Calling the People into Politics, 1890 -- 1930 / Geoff Eley -- 3.Germany's Conservative Elites and the Problem of Political Mobilization in the Weimar Republic / Larry Eugene Jones -- Section II Populism in the Balkans from the Late Nineteenth Century to the Present -- 4.Nationalism and Populism in the Balkans: The Case of Croatia / Mark Biondich -- 5.The People as a "Happening": Constellations of Populism in Serbia in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries / Nenad Stefanov -- 6.Alija Izetbegovic's Islamic Declaration and Populism in Bosnia / York Norman -- Section III Transformations of Populism in the United States in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
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Note continued: 7.Richard Hofstadter's Populist Problem and his Identity as a Jewish Intellectual / Gary Marotta -- 8.The American Populist and Anti-Populist Legacy / Charles Postel -- 9.Populist Movements in US History: Progressive and Reactionary / Ronald Formisano -- Section IV Populism in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1920 -- 60 -- 10.Populism in the Circum-Caribbean, 1920s -- 50s / Thomas D. Rogers -- 11.Populist Discourses, Developmentalist Policies: Rethinking Mid-Twentieth-Century Brazilian Politics / Joel Wolfe -- 12.Populism as an Identity: Four Propositions on Peronism / Matthew B. Karush -- 13.Performing Populism in Paraguay: Febrerismo on Stage in the Works of Correa and Ruffinelli, 1933 -- 43 / Bridget Maria Chesterton -- pt. Two Historical Theories of Populism -- 14.Transformations of Producerist Populism in Western Europe / John Abromeit -- 15.Populists and Parasites: On Producerist Reason / Mark Loeffler
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Note continued: pt. Three Recent Tendencies in Populist Movements in Latin America, Europe, and the United States -- 16.Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe Today / Cas Mudde -- 17.Ideologies of Economic Populism in America and their Subversion by the Right / Peter Breiner -- 18.The Contested Meanings of Populist Revolutions in Latin America / Carlos de la Torre.
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"The recent resurgence of populist movements and parties has led to a revival of scholarly interest in populism. This volume brings together well-established and new scholars to reassess the subject and combine historical and theoretical perspectives to shed new light on the history of the subject, as well as enriching contemporary discussions. In three parts, the contributors explore the history of populism in different regions, theories of populism and recent populist movements. Taken together, the contributions included in this book represent the most comprehensive and wide-ranging study of the topic to date. Questions addressed include: - What are the 'essential' characteristics of populism? - Is it important to distinguish between left- and right-wing populism? - How can the transformation of populist movements be explained? This is the most thorough and up to date comparative historical study of populism available. As such it will be of great value to anyone researching or studying the topic. This volume focuses primarily on a comparative historical study of populism in Europe, the United States, and Latin America. It contains four historical sections (each with at least three essays) that address the following topics: whether and how the concept of populism is useful in explaining the rise of National Socialism in Germany; the development of populism in the Balkans from the late nineteenth century to the present; transformations of populism in the United States in the nineteenth and twentieth century; and the history of populism in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and the circum-Caribbean from 1920 to 1960. There are two theoretical essays that address the content, function and historical transformations of populist producerist ideology in Western Europe and the United States from the late eighteenth to the early twentieth century. The final section examines more recent developments in populist movements, parties, governments and ideology in Europe, the United States, Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia. The volume brings together well-established and younger scholars of populism from the disciplines of history, sociology and political science in order to explore the following questions. Is there a "populist minimum"--that is, can certain "essential" characteristics of populism be identified across space and time? Beyond such "minimum" characteristics, what contingent factors have determined the variations of populist movements at different times and places? Can one distinguish between progressive and reactionary populism, and if so, what criteria should be used? How has it been possible for reactionary populist movements to appropriate ideas and political strategies from earlier progressive populist movements?"--Bloomsbury Publishing.
Transformations of populism in Europe and the Americas