This book is a new, revised, augmented, translated edition of the author's L'anti-romantique: Hegel contre le romantisme ironique (presses de l'Université Laval, 2007).
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Introduction -- 1. Friedrich Schlegel. Sophistry and seduction ; Pretensions of the artistic "Virtuoso" ; Pleasure and vanity -- Intermezzo 1: Words and things. Scientific objectivity and discourse ; True content : the "Name" and the "Word" ; Scientific grammar : from predication to syllogism ; The real words of objective spirit ; The actuality of science ; Ironic discourse and the Vereitelung of true objectivity -- 2 Novalis. The Novalis distinction ; Pathological irony ; The beautiful soul and unhappy consciousness -- Intermezzo 2: Irony and barbarities. The language of barbarity ; Relation to objectivity : empiricism and skepticism -- 3. Schleiermacher. Intuition and feeling ; History of the understanding and the actuality of irony -- Conclusion -- Coda 1: Galvanism and excitability in Friedrich Schlegel's theory of the fragment -- Coda 2: Reflections on Novalis's Logological fragments.