Cover -- Contents -- List of Figures -- Acknowledgments -- R. Elaine Fantham: List of Publications -- Abbreviations -- 1 Roman Literary Cultures -- Part I: Domestic Politics -- 2 Varro on the Battle against Moisture in the Roman domus (A Note on Men. Fr. 531-2) -- 3 Rape, the Family, and the "Father of the Fatherland" in Ovid, Fasti 2 -- 4 Naming the Elegiac Mistress: Elegiac Onomastics in Roman Inscriptions -- 5 In Manus: Pliny's Letters and the Arts of Mastery -- Part II: Revolutionary Poetics -- 6 Ovid's Circe and the Revolutionary Power of carmina in the Remedia amoris -- 7 Primus Pastor: The Origins of Pastoral in Ovid's Metamorphoses -- 8 Narrative Transitions in Ovid's Metamorphoses 9 -- 9 Elegy and Epic in Lucan's Bellum Ciuile -- 10 Reading Aeneas through Hannibal: The Poetics of Revenge and the Repetitions of History -- Part III: Civic Spectacle -- 11 The Charms of an Older Lover: Afranius 378-82 Ribbeck 3 -- 12 Knowledge, Power, and Republicanism in Lucan -- 13 The Rites of Others -- 14 Rituals of Reciprocity: Staging Gladiatorial munera in Apuleius' Metamorphoses -- Contributors -- Index Locorum -- General Index.
Text of Note
"Drawing on the historicizing turn in Latin literary scholarship, Roman Literary Cultures combines new critical methods with traditional analysis across four hundred years of Latin literature, from mid-republican Rome in the second century BC to the Second Sophistic in the second century AD. The contributors explore Latin texts both famous and obscure, from Roman drama and Menippean satire through Latin elegies, epics, and novels to letters issued by Roman emperors and compilations of laws. Each of the essays in this volume combines close reading of Latin literary texts with historical and cultural contextualization, making the collection an accessible and engaging combination of formalist criticism and historicist exegesis that attends to the many ways in which classical Latin literature participated in ancient Roman civic debates."--