Critical approaches in the health social sciences series
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Text of Note
Medical anthropology and its transformation -- The critical gaze -- Postmodernism medical anthropology: A critique -- Health-related issues in socialist-oriented societies: Ideals, contradictions, and realities -- Studying up: The political economy of nuclear regulation -- The American dominative medical system as a reflection of social relations in the larger society -- AIDS and the health crisis of the U.S. urban poor -- The drive for professionalization in British osteopathy -- Medical hegemony, biomedical magic, and folk medicine: Reproductive illness among Haitian women -- Prophets and advisors in African-American spiritual churches: Therapy, palliative, or opiate? -- Confronting Juan Garcia's drinking problem: The demedicalization of alcoholism -- Cure, care and control: Agency and structure in the clinical encounter -- How critical can clinical anthropology be? -- Critical praxis in medical anthropology.