Acknowledgments; Introduction; PART I: INTERLOCUTION: THE ARRANGEMENT OF COUCHES; 1. Reading Texts, Resurrecting Cultures: Colonial Poetry in India (1757-1857); 2. The Pedigree of the White Stallion: Postcoloniality and Literary History; 3. Translation as a Speech Act: Twelve Versions of One Subversive Verse; PART II: CIRUMLOCUTION: THE INSTITUTION OF INDIFFERENCE; 4. Glossolalia: The Dissimilar Twins of Language and Literature; 5. Multiculturalism: Other Worlds in Edgar Allan Poe and Satyajit Ray; 6. Colonization: Omeros Sails between the Indian Ocean and the Caribbean.
Text of Note
"Nair's book gives postcolonialism a decent burial and looks forward to a new language of community. It exposes the numbing rituals of colonial and postcolonial indifference with a light touch, pausing on postmodern theories on the way." Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.