Framing white hopes: the press, social drama, and the era of Jack Johnson, 1908-1915 / Phillip J. Hutchison -- Jesse Owens, a black pearl amidst an ocean of fury: a case study of press coverage of the 1936 Berlin Olympic games / Pamela C. Laucella -- Multifarious hero: Joe Louis, American society, and race relations during world crisis, 1935-1946 / Dominic J. Capeci Jr. and Martha Wilkerson -- Outside the pale: the exclusion of blacks from the National Football League, 1934-1946 / Thomas G. Smith -- Democracy on the field: the Black press takes on White baseball / Chris Lamb and Glen L. Bleske -- A nod from destiny: how sportswriters for White and African American newspapers covered Kenny Washington's entry into the National Football league / Ronald Bishop -- Jackie Robinson and the American mind: journalistic perceptions of the reintegration of baseball / William Simons -- "This is it!" The public relations campaign waged by Wendell Smith and Jackie Robinson to cast Robinson's first season as an unqualified success / Brian Carroll -- Integrating New Year's Day: the racial politics of college bowl games in the American South / Charles H. Martin -- Main Bout, Inc., Black economic power, and professional boxing: the canceled Muhammad Ali-Ernie Terrell fight / Michael Ezra -- A "race" for equality: print media coverage of the 1968 Olympic protest by Tommie Smith and John Carlos / Jason Peterson -- Sports Illustrated's African American athlete series as socially responsible journalism / Reed Smith -- Rebellion in the kingdom of swat: sportswriters, African American athletes, and coverage of Curt Flood's lawsuit against major league baseball / William Gillis -- Chasing Babe Ruth: an analysis of newspaper coverage of Hank Aaron's pursuit of the career home run record / Maureen Smith -- Arthur Ashe: an analysis of newspaper journalists' coverage of USA Today's outing / Pamela C. Laucella -- Michael Jordan's family values: marketing, meaning, and post-Reagan America / Mary G. McDonald -- Rush Limbaugh, Donovan McNabb, and "a little social concern": reflections on the problems of whiteness in contemporary American sport / Douglas Hartmann -- I'm the king of the world: Barry Bonds and the race for the record / Lisa Doris Alexander -- Redemption on the field: framing, narrative, and race in media coverage of Michael Vick / Bryan Carr -- Weighing in on the coaching decision: discussing sports and race online / Jimmy Sanderson -- The LeBron James decision in the age of Obama / Jamal L. Ratchford.
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"A collection of essays about the intersection of sports, race, and the media in the 20th century and beyond"--
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"From Jack Johnson to LeBron James examines the intersection of sports, race, and the media in the twentieth century and beyond. The essays are linked by a number of questions, including: How did the black and white media differ in content and context in their reporting of these stories? How did the media acknowledge race in their stories? Did the media recognize these stories as historically significant? Considering how media coverage has evolved over the years, the essays begin with the racially charged reporting of Jack Johnson's reign as heavyweight champion and carry up to the present, covering the media narratives surrounding the Michael Vick dogfighting case in a supposedly post-racial era and the media's handling of LeBron James's announcement to leave Cleveland for Miami."--Provided by publisher.