Cover; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Preface; CHAPTER 1 Introduction: The Definition and Extent of Delinquency; Introduction; Defining Delinquency; Defining a Juvenile; The Extent of Delinquency; Summary; CHAPTER 2 The History of Juvenile justice; Introduction; Property and Person; The Rise of Juvenile Institutions; The Establishment of the Juvenile Court; Benevolence or Self-Interest?; Juvenile Justice from 1920 to the 1960s; Changes Since the 1960s; Summary; CHAPTER 3 Explaining Delinquency: Biological and Psychological Approaches; Introduction; Theoretical Schools of Thought
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Biological and Sociobiological TheoriesPsychological Explanations; Summary; CHAPTER 4 Sociological Explanations of Delinquency; Introduction; The Ecological Perspective; Learning Theory; Subcultural Theories; Routine Activities and Rational Choice; Strain Theories; Social Control Theory; The Labeling Perspective; Integrative Explanations; The Impact of Theories on Juvenile Justice; Summary; CHAPTER 5 Gang Delinquency; Introduction; Gangs Defined; Early Gang Research; The Extent of Gang Membership; Characteristics of Gangs; Why Do Youths Join Gangs?; Gang Behavior; Do Gangs Cause Delinquency?
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CHAPTER 8 The Juvenile Court ProcessIntroduction; Detention; Detention Alternatives; The Intake Decision; Processing Juveniles in Adult Criminal Court; Adjudication and Disposition; Summary; CHAPTER 9 Due Process and Juveniles; Introduction; The Landmark Supreme Court Cases; Additional Supreme Court Rulings; Search and Seizure; Rights in School; Rights at Home and in the Community; Summary; CHAPTER 10 Institutional/Residential Interventions; Introduction; Institutional Corrections for Juveniles; State Training Schools; Program Effectiveness; Institutional Life
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Intervention with GangsSummary; CHAPTER 6 Drugs and Delinquency; Introduction; Gauging the Extent of Drug Use; The Drugs-Delinquency Connection; Research on the Drugs-Delinquency Relationship; Interventions; Alternative Responses to Drug Use; Summary: The Response of the Juvenile Justice System; CHAPTER 7 Policing and Juveniles; Introduction; Statistics on Police Work with Juveniles; Professional Policing and Juveniles; Community or Problem-Solving Policing; Citizen Attitudes Toward Police; Recent Issues in Policing Concerning Juveniles; Police Effectiveness with Juvenile Crime; Summary
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New Directions in Institutional InterventionsSummary; CHAPTER 11 Juvenile Probation and Community Corrections; Introduction; Probation; Aftercare; Supervision and Counseling; Current Trends in Community Supervision; Effectiveness of Juvenile Probation and Related Sanctions; Effective and Ineffective Treatment Interventions with Offenders; Continuing Concerns in Community Corrections; Summary; CHAPTER 12 Prevention in Juvenile Justice; Introduction; Risk Factors and Prevention; Addressing Community Risk Factors; Parent Training; Preschool Programs; Skills Training; Resistance Skills Training
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Juvenile Justice: An Introduction, Ninth Edition, presents a comprehensive picture of juvenile offending, delinquency theories, and the ways juvenile justice actors and agencies react to delinquency. Whitehead and Lab offer evidence-based suggestions for successful interventions and treatment and examine the prospects for rebalancing the model of juvenile court.This new edition includes insightful analysis and the latest available statistics on juvenile crime and victimization, drug use, court processing, and corrections. Recent developments include the possible influence of biosocial factors on delinquency; use of social media both for recruiting gang members and for combatting gangs; new probation models; responses to cyberbullying; the renewed emphasis on status offenses; the implications of drug legalization; police shootings; and specialty courts for teens and those with mental illness. Chapter 12 has been recast to cover specific information on prevention programs in addition to restorative justice approaches.Each chapter enhances student understanding with Key Terms, a "What You Need to Know" section, and Discussion Questions. Links at key points in the text show students where to get the latest information.
Juvenile justice
International Standard Book Number
Juvenile delinquency.
Juvenile justice, Administration of-- United States.