Intro; Contents; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Notes; Bibliography; I. Philosophical Atmospheres of Breathing; 1. Logos and Psyche: A Hermeneutics of Breathing; Prologue; I; II; III; IV; A Hermeneutics of Breathing; Notes; Bibliography; 2. The Possibility of a New Respiratory Ontology; Ontology Is Everywhere; Ontology of Inspiration and Expiration of Being; The Zen Masters and the Breathing Practice of Zazen as the Possible Guides toward a Respiratory Ontology; Ku, the Breath and the World of Aerial Emptiness.
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Before Breath Is Born: In Search for a New Self-AffectionWound of the World: Freedom and the Love of Breath; Transcending Our Finiteness: Toward Sharing of the Divine Breath in Humans; Notes; Bibliography; 4. Aesthetics of Breathing: Some Reflections; Introduction; The Semantic Field? (Qi/Ki) in Chinese and Japanese; Qi/Ki (?/?) as an Aesthetic Phenomenon in China and Japan; Breathing as an Aesthetic Practice; Notes; Bibliography; II. Philosophical Traditions of Breathing; 5. The Breathing of the Air: Pre-Socratic Echoes in Levinas; Pre-Socratic Presences; Aer, Psyche, Pneuma in Anaximenes.
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Heidegger on Ku, Emptiness, and Nothing as well as the Forgetting of Air in HeideggerRespiration, the Clearing of Air, and the Essence of Human Existence; The Ontological Priority of Merleau-Pontyâ#x80;#x99;s Respiratory Body and the Respiratory Essence of Human Existence; The Respiratory Encounter of Zazen and the Merleau-Pontian Ontological Hearkening; The Object- and Thing-Related Ontologies and the Atmospheric Ontology of the World of Nothing but Breathing; Notes; Bibliography; 3. Breath as a Way of Self-Affection: On New Topologies of Transcendence and Self-Transcendence.
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Psychism and Air in Totality and InfinityThe Pneuma of Psychism in Otherwise than Being; In Place of a Conclusion; Abbreviations of Works by Emmanuel Levinas; Notes; Bibliography; 6. Mindfulness of Breathing in Early Buddhism; Breath in Ancient Indian Discourse; Situating Mindfulness of Breathing in the Pali Buddhist Canon; Mindfulness of Breathing and Ethics; Abbreviations; Notes; Bibliography; 7. Inspiration and Expiration: Yoga Practice through Merleau-Pontyâ#x80;#x99;s Phenomenology of the Body; Introduction.
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Attempts to think anew about philosophical questions from the perspective of breath and breathing. As a physiological or biological matter, breath is mostly considered to be mechanical and thoughtless. By expanding on the insights of many religions and therapeutic practices, which emphasize the cultivation of breath, the contributors argue that breath should be understood as fundamentally and comprehensively intertwined with human life and experience. Various dimensions of the respiratory world are referred to as "atmospheres" that encircle and connect human existence, coexistence, and the world.