1. Work before industrialization -- Oldest and longest lasting mode of life and work -- Gathering-and-hunting societies in the modern world -- Working lives of gatherer-hunters -- The Agricultural Revolution -- Agricultural labor and cultural change -- Artisan work -- Time and work -- Protestantism and the rise of Capitalism -- 2. The organization of work in preindustrial times -- Traditional societies and the organization of work -- The family as a basis of work organization -- Slavery -- Caste and occupation -- The guilds -- Apprenticeship -- An assessment of guild organization -- 3. Industrialization and its consequences -- The Industrial Revolution -- Capitalism and Market Economics -- Wages and working conditions in the Industrial Revolution -- Women in the Industrial Revolution -- Industrialization and social protest -- Making management "scientific" -- The assembly line -- A Postindustrial Revolution? -- 4. Bureaucratic organization --
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Bureaucratic organization, work and the worker -- 5. Technology and work -- Technological unemployment -- Developing new skills -- Technology and managerial authority -- Work, skill and today's technologies -- Telework -- Technology and globalization -- 6. Globalization -- Governments and globalization -- Multinational corporations and globalized production -- The economic benefits of foreign trade -- Workers abroad -- Workers at home -- Globalization and job creation -- Immigration -- Governmental policies and immigration -- 7. Getting a job -- The economics of the Job Market -- Minimum-wage laws -- Jobs, human capital and credentials -- Networks and their significance -- 8. Workplace culture and socialization -- Socialization into a culture -- Socialization as an ongoing process -- Socialization and identity -- Occupational and organizational heroes -- Socialization in different occupational realms -- Rites of passage -- Organizations and subcultures -- Deviant subcultures --
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Socialization, careers and strain -- 9. Professions and professionalization -- The checklist approach to the professions -- The professional continuum -- attaining professional status -- Professionalization as a means of control -- Professionals in organizations -- Resource control and professional autonomy: The case of medicine -- Diversity and professional status -- 10. Who gets what? -- The determination of wages and salaries: Market Economics once again -- The widening income gap -- Why has income inequality increased? -- Unemployment and income -- Globalization, employment and income -- Unions and workers' incomes -- Immigration and income -- Occupational prestige -- 11. Life on the job I: work and its rewards -- Employment and unemployment -- The personal consequences of unemployment -- Varieties of employment -- Work without pay -- The workplace as school -- Job training and employment opportunities -- Work and social interaction -- Social relationships and job performance --
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The intrinsic satisfactions of work -- 12. Life on the job II: the perils and pressures of work -- Work may be hazardous to your health -- Stress at work -- Jobs, secure and insecure -- Sexual harassment at work -- Greedy institutions -- Alienated labor -- Manifestations of discontent -- Responses to on-the-job alienation -- Job satisfaction and dissatisfaction today -- 13. Diversity in the workplace -- Race, ethnicity and hiring practices -- Women in the workforce -- Discrimination, occupational segregation and pay -- Legal remedies for discrimination and occupational segregation -- Comparable worth policies for the workplace -- 14. Work roles and life roles -- The separation of work and residence -- Working hours -- Paid work and housework -- Couples, families and careers -- 15. Conclusion: work today and tomorrow -- Technology, work and occupations -- Making globalization and technological change more equitable -- Work and demographic change -- Ethnicity, gender and work --
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Women, work and families -- Closing the income gap -- The healthcare morass -- The fate of the professions -- Organizations for the 21st Century -- Workers and jobs for the future.
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Connects work and occupations to the key subjects of sociological inquiry: social and technological change, race, ethnicity, gender, social class, education, social networks, and modes of organization.