1. Human language as a scientific phenomenon -- 2. Speaking, sound, and hearing -- 3. Phonetic diversity in the world's languages and diversity among dialects of English -- 4. The scientific method and experimental design -- 5. Speech perception -- 6. Word recognition -- 7. Phonological units and phonological patterning -- 8. Word form and function -- 9. Sign languages -- 10. Language and the brain -- 11. Language, speech, and hearing disorders -- 12. Reading and dyslexia -- Appendix: IPA chart.
Text of Note
Focusing on speech production and recognition at the word-level and below, the book examines morphological, phonological, and phonetic perspectives. It explicitly connects three avenues of exploration - speech, words, andmind - through an examination of how the informational content of the speech signal relates to phonological units; it goes on to describe how these units combine in the morphological structuring of words and are accessed as the speechsignal is processed by the listener. Featuring numerous illustrations and exercises, and accompanied by further online exercises and data, this is an ideal introduction to the science of language.